Chapter II, Part 1

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When I recovered from passing out again, the doctors explained what happened.

Apparently after I passed out in the parking garage, I got up, and begun walking to some unknown place. Miraculously, I was almost never hit by gunfire. I wandered to wherever for days, without eating, drinking, or sleeping. 6 other people found me, them in the same trance, going to the same place. We continued walking, but all passed out and fell at the same time, in Rhode Island. Someone found us, and brought us to the hospital. Upon arriving, the military took us, and brought all 7 of us to a military hospital; where I am now.

The doctor said "Those other people are here too, but are unfortunately, in worse condition. When you heal some more, we'll let you all meet, and discuss recruitment." I tried asking "Recruitment for what?" but she left before I could finish.

I lay in my bed for what seemed like an eternity, before drifting asleep. But I had the weirdest nightmare/dream. I dreamed that I was sitting on a small grassy field, with a Cherry tree providing me shade. I got up, and suddenly there were 6 more Cherry trees, with people standing by them. They looked familiar, but I couldn't understand why. Then I realized, that each cherry tree was on its own little island, and we were in the sky! The floating islands were arranged in a circle.

After I saw everyone stand up, a large white orb floated up in the middle of the circle, and began speaking in the softest voice.

"My children, your time has come. The abominations, the Skcorian, have started war with us once again. But this time, those robots do their bidding, with no emotion or care for life.

You 7 are the " Knowledge Keepers," the seven people who have been granted with memories from long past. You also are the only ones who can defeat King Dementor, thanks to your gift, and increased power. You must use this power wisely. It may be powerful, and more than most, but it comes with a price. Do not ever doubt yourself. Do not ever give up. Do not ever lose hope. If you do, you will be the first to fall to King Dementor's influence, and his army.

You will learn over time how to use your power, and together you will defeat the Skcorian. This is all I can tell you, or else your minds will be-"

Something cut the orb off, and a second later the sky faded from blue to red, the cherry trees and grass died instantly. The orb fell out of the sky, and a black orb came up. It spoke, and sounded exactly like the first broadcast. It must've been King Dementor.

"Hahaha, thank your idiot goddess, Adrianne, for keeping the door open to your spirit. You all remember, YOU are the bad guys, you humans took OUR planet. Don't you think you should side with the good guys? The Skcorian Empire awaits your call. For now, wake up, and decide your fate. No power, losing side, the bad guys. Or the good guys. Unlimited power, the winning side, becoming the most powerful creature you've ever seen! Better hurry up. You have exactly one week, before I choose for you. Goodbye, future fighters."

The black orb shoots beams of black stuff from itself, and the floating islands fall to pieces, falling out of the sky. We all began screaming, and woke up still screaming. But when I quickly quit screaming after waking up, I still heard some people screaming for a few seconds. Were the people in my dream the people I had supposedly met in my trance? I lay back down and fall asleep as nurses and doctors alike rush into my room. When I am let back to sleep, I think about my dream. Maybe we mean something. Maybe we are the only ones who can defeat the Skcorian. But why me, I can't do any of that. But then I remember what the white orb said. Never doubt yourself. Never lose hope. Or King Dementor will influence your decisions, and turn us against our own people. I turn over, and fall asleep.

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