Chapter IV, Part 1

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"Good morning to all of you. Listen carefully to the information I am about to tell you, as it is classified to the highest degree. Not even the president of the United States knows this information.

In 1935, a mysterious robot was discovered in a field in Iowa. The robot is nearly identical to what you see today. The robot was discovered by a family driving by the field. They saw it, and called police, thinking it was a dead person in a costume. When the police arrived, and tried picking up the robot, they realized it must be some sort of robot, as it was as fit as a normal human, but was estimated at around 260 pounds. The police officers informed the station, and from there, the station contacted the government about it.

When government officials reached the scene, with some strong men, they moved the robot into a military truck, and drove it to the Pentagon, where we are now.

After finally getting it's head casing off, nearly breaking 2 crowbars and running out of fuel for a torch. they discovered series of flat, thin metal plates, with a conductive material etched into it, leading into many small boxes on the plate.

Connecting one of these plates to a power source, electricity began flowing through the conductive material, in what seemed a random pattern of off and on, and varying voltage. But it was a pattern.

Do any of you see where I'm going? This robot was the starting point of the first electronic computer.

Along with the robot, we have many photos of unknown aircraft, that again, are identical to what is seen today. And finally, we were told by one of their robots that looked like a human that they were coming.

The "person" who told us had a specific symbol on his head, that was also found on the head of the robot discovered in the field. An Hourglass, on top of a diamond, the tilted square, surrounded by 4 small triangles.

When the human robot told us, that's when we knew what was coming. It said that it would forever be known as the Retribution War; revenge for taking their planet. So that's what were calling this war.

In 1950, The Retribution was created, as a planned defense for when the Skcorian did attack. It has served us well, as we already have small bits of information that will help us win this war. But we cannot do any more without your help. We know you 7 remember time billions of years ago, when humanity took their planet. We also know about your increased energy, what is known as "White Energy," the base of life. The Skcorian have something called "Dark Energy," which is normally used to create matter.

Before you ask how we know all this, don't. You will learn in time. For now, we need you to remember as much as possible about the Skcorian. What's their weaknesses, where are they strongest, things like that. It is vital for the survival of the human race.

Once we figure out how to, and have successfully destroyed the Skcorian's robotic army, it will be up to you to defeat the real Skcorian, no doubt they will be upset that their army has fell. When we cross that bridge, we will give you more information on the Skcorian, and the Retribution.

Do you accept the burden that has been bestowed upon you. To defeat the Skcorian Empire, and King Dementor? "

We all shout in unison, "YES SIR!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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