Now that I'm gone

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Now that I'm gone, what do you do?

You sit on the plane,  staring out of the window to avoid anyone near you seeing your cheeks stained with sadness. You missed home already, you missed your boyfriend, Perry so much too. But you couldn't help but fear the worst. Whenever you fell asleep, a vision of you on the phone talking to someone came up. You always started crying in the dream without the understanding of why. It terrified you because those often meant it would most likely happen in reality too.

How do I cope without you?

You'd go hours without even getting a text from him, you'd text him back if you weren't so busy trying to earn yourself enough to live healthily. But even in this bigger opportunity it was hard. You were trying to earn enough to go visit back home at the same time. That also made you shiver. What if everyone forgot about you?  

Are you alone or with someone new?

Both of you were loosing your minds over each other. An ocean of tears being cried between the two of you. With no way of crossing to find the other. But that's when the phone rang.  Your heart skipped a beat, eyes flying wide. Everything was a blur for a second as you lost yourself  in the back of your mind. It was a dark. The constant ringing pulled you back into the real world. But this was it. This was the phone call that you were self-fulfillingly going to fill. Petrified to know what it could be about.  "H-hello?" Your voice shook and trembled with your body. "(y/n) are you okay?" Perry sounded perfectly fine on the other end, a bit concerned by the tone of voice you created. "Perry?" Your heart sang, a horrible feeling  of prediction. "Yeah who else?" He questioned, worriedly. "I..don't know."

"(y/n) are you with someone else?" He was more than concerned now, but the thought of him even daring to ask you that made you mad. "W-what?! How could you even suggest that?!"

"You're not saying no.."

"Are you stupid? Of course I'm saying no! What the hell? Huh? What about you then, have you been cheating?!" You were furious and there was no hiding it. A sleepy feminine voice came fromt he other side. 'Babe who's that?'  'someone'  'eugh put that downn..' they groaned. "..How could you?" You fell to the floor, heart shattered with a horrified expression. "I can explain!!" there seemed to be desperation in his voice, but you refused to be fooled. He called you a 'someone'..

What have you done to have broken my new?

Your new beginning was now utterly pointless. You even planned on going back, but now the cord of keeping to old ties had been shattered. It would be humiliation to go back home now. This place on the other hand..didn't feel like home either. Maybe you would go back, just to slap him and that other. "I'm not listening..." You whisper, trailing off into a broken trance.

Now I'll just have to find a way to live on my own too.

The phone drops out of your hand and hits the ground with a large clattering sound. Despite countless protests and explanations being yelled down it pleadingly. This was your new beginning, you'd just have to forget and move on. Given time you hoped that would happen. For now you'd live stuck in a vision of self fulfilling prophecies.

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