Dawn till dusk

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(Y/n)- Your name

(S/n) siblings name

(S/n2) - second siblings name

I'm putting luna in all of these cause its funny to see someone's reaction right xD?

You was sitting down on the floor almost crying, your siblings (s/n) and (s/n2) had just tested their experiment on you which had surprisingly worked. This made you furious! You were now an animal of some sort. You beleive to be a (Animal). That wasn't so bad since you loved (Animal) but you quite prered being human because you had a wonderful life. You padded away sighing, leaving the houses premesis and that's when you jumped. "You don't seem so happy about your change (Y/n), perhaps you'll get used to it." A female calm voice spoke soft and sweetly. You wouldn't mind but she knew your name and you began to freak out. "Wh-who are you? Why do you know my name!" You yell in fustration although you was actually quite shaken. "Princess Luna of night also in owca and s.a2, I know most people and htjings around here" She suddenly had a chill solemn tone to her introduction and you wanted to shiver. However you were too surprised to even think, you was speechless.  You both beard a rustle in the bush behind Luna and swiftly turn your attention to it. "Luna!" A male voice cried out and by this you could tell Luna was laughing. "Y-y-ou loo-ok hilario-us!!"  She roared with laughter NA dyou had to join in because it was pretty funny. "Sorry it is hilarious, I'm (Y/n) by the way" you finally calmed down and decided to greet the stranger Luna basically lead here. "Cool I'm Perry and uh this is my friend Luna" Immediately after he replied he mouthed towards Luna the words 'I hate you right now' and she snickered and mouthed back 'oops'. You shook your head and then looked up at Luna. "Hey kiddie, you wanna join us in da agency?" She asked you and you froze up. Your biggest dream was (dream job) but you did have the skills. "Your just gonna blow our cover?" Perry scrolled sarcastically. "Eh I've already blown mine" she shrugged and floated above you both. "Sure!" You replied after having a biased conversation in your head. As soon as you said that Luna turned into a cute blue patterned fox and your lips parted opening a bit shocked. "Yeah, yeah lets go" she put on a blue fedora and teleported the three of you into the agency. "I don't have my fedora xUae it got torn up last battle.." Perry sighed. You could tell he was sad and you felt a bit of sadness creep into your heart. Whilst that happened Luna had knocked on the door to 'MM' and 'Solsarius' both striking you with curiosity. The three of you entered a female in the chair suddenly turned her attention to you all. "What do you want" she growled and somehow levitated Luna into the ar as if her presence was disgraceful. "Gee relax! We brought a new recruit" Luna release a small beam of black swirling magic which made her fall to the ground unharmed once it hit Solsarius. "OWE, ugh lets see" she walked over examining you, you noticed the flaring sain marks on her fur which reminded you of Luna's Moon and star patterns engraved with blue. "Alright, and your name?" She nodded accepting you. "Uh mi-iss (Y/n)" your replied shakily. "Alright you start tomorrow with your training. She slammed the doors in your face and Perry's yet Luna was locked inside and there was yelling. " YOU HIT ME WITH DARK MAGIC!" One cried out. "I KNOW CAUSE I HATE YOU!" The other yelled back. "Well uh this is awkward." You say to Perry unknowing of what to do next. "Yeah... Good luck on your training" you smiled but before you could awnser .. .... A loud crash was heard (haha sorry XP) and Perry sighed. "Maybe you should get some rest so your ready tomorrow" he tried to open the door without being noticed. "Yee-" Before anything else happened he kissed you blushing madly and then kicked the door open avoiding all the magic being shot across the other room. "O-m-g..." You squeal after a while and DASH home. "OMGOMGOMGOMG" you wanted to cry with happiness the cutest animal you had ever seen kissed you.


Perry the platypus x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now