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I crossed my arms, covering my small tank top.

"Hey. What. Um, what are you doing here?" I said sleepily trying to comprehend what was happening.

"I needed to see you." He said kind of out of breath.

"Did you run here?" I softly laughed.

"Yah. From the airport. In the rain."

"Oh. Oh my god. I'm sorry, come in." I said opening the door. He walked in, soaking wet.

"Take off your shirt and stuff, I'll throw it in the dryer." He began removing his shirt, I went into my room to get a sweatshirt and the largest pair of sweats in my dresser.

"These might be really tight." I softly laughed throwing the pants and sweatshirt at him.

"Isn't this my sweatshirt?" He laughed holding it up, standing there in his underwear.

"No. It's mine." I laughed grabbing his clothes and heading out the door to go to the basement.

"Liz. It says Marais on the back."

"Fine, it's yours, now go change." I laughed shutting the door behind me.

Oh. My. God. What is he even doing here? At 4 am. He just showed up at my apartment, with no explanation.

I threw his clothes in the dryer, waited downstairs for 20 minuets, then grabbed his dry clothes and went back upstairs.

I looked around, he was nowhere to be found. I heard the shower running. I laid on the couch and shut my eyes.

"You coming?" He laughed as I opened my eyes.

"Coming where?" I asked confused.

"The shower? Come on Elizabeth. Live a little." He softly bit his lip.

I got up off the couch and followed him to the bathroom.

It wasn't even awkward. We both simply slipped our clothes off and got into the shower. His back facing the water, he turned me around to face him.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this." He smiled before moving in for a kiss. I didn't reject it. I liked him, I really liked him.

We continued to kiss as his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. He moved from my lips to my neck, and so on.

A sudden bolt of energy filled my body, I flung up, sitting up on the couch to hear the water in the bathroom turn off. Jonah walked out of the bathroom in the sweatpants that fit like joggers and his sweatshirt in his hand.

"No shirt?" I softly laughed adjusting myself on the couch.

"I decided you could keep the sweatshirt. You look a little cold anyways." He said handing me the sweatshirt. I slipped it on over my tank top.

"Here's your shirt." I said grabbing the shirt he wore here from the laundry basket.

"Thanks." He said putting it on and sitting next to me on the couch.

"So how long are you staying?" I said changing the subject.

"As long as possible. The boys have been so annoying lately. Tour starts here in New York, so I think I'm going to try and stay until then. Hotels are expensive as hell here though." He laughed.

"Well. You could, stay with me? Maybe."

"Really? That would be amazing. I just didn't know where to go so early in the morning."

"How'd you get my address?" I asked suddenly.

"Christina actually gave it to me."

"Of course she did." I softly laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed, you can sleep here on the couch, I'll be in my room if you need anything." I said standing up and heading to my room.

"Okay. And thanks again Liz. It's good to see you." He smiled.

"You too. Night." I smiled back walking into my room. I covered up and snuggled into my bed. I laid in bed for probably an hour. I couldn't sleep, not after my dream about Jonah.

My door slowly creaked open.

"Liz?" He whispered.

{Authors Note}

The next couple chapters I had to edit soooooo much.

What would you do if Jonah showed up at your door step?

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