Chapter Two: Assemble

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Luna looked around with wide, curious eyes as she and Kira followed Tony and Steve through the halls of the Avengers compound. "This place is impressive." She said smiling wide. "We aren't here to sight see, Luna. Keep focused." Kira whispered to her. Luna sighed and nodded. Kira was always so serious, always looking to be one step ahead of her enemies while Luna liked to have fun no matter what was going on. Looking at them, you wouldn't be able to tell the two were related...let along twins. Luna was five minutes older, but Kira had always been the natural born leader. Luna didn't mind, she was proud of her little sister. But even still, she wished she would just learn to have a little fun along the way.

The men lead them into a large room. A long table in the middle with comfortable looking chairs told the women that they were in what had to be Avengers conference room. In the seats where the men and women that made up the team. There were a few missing spots but it was clear by how crowded the chairs seemed to be that they had brought in two new chairs for their guests.

"That won't be needed." Kira said, shaking her head before she stood in front of the table, looking at them all. Tony and Steve were now both in their respective uniforms and took their seats. All eyes were on the two new women. Kira standing up front and center while Luna hung back just a little. She wore a light blue suit that looked like Kira's black. But in this lighting a thin red line could be seen on the length of the suit. Luna looked at her sister before she tucked back some of her ultra-blonde hair behind her ear.

"I appreciate you all taking the time to speak with us. My sister and I both know who you all are and we are impressed that a group of diverse individuals can work so well together. That is exactly why we have contacted you." Kira began.

"Three years ago, we lost our parents in a massacre. Two men stood above the smoke, one was larger and was to blame. But it was the smaller man who saw us. I was covered in ash, coughing and trying to breathe. I was just a normal girl. I was nothing special. I clung to my mother's lifeless form and was trying to get her to wake. I failed at doing so. My clothes had been burned, the ask clung to my exposed skin. Next thing I knew the man was inches from my face, said I was special and would serve him well." Kira shuttered a little. "The way he looked at me, I feared what he meant. The next thing I knew I was waking up to a dark room. I tried to move my arm but it was then I noticed the IV. My vison was blurred but I could see the bags, I could see the body in the next bed over. I knew by her hair who she was." She looked behind her at her sister who smiled a little before she motioned for her to continue.

Kira looked at them all again, it becoming clear she had their attention. "The bags were filled with some sort of elixir and it was at that point I noticed I was still covered in ash. For days we were in that room, and with each passing hour we both noticed we were changing. See in that dark room there was a single light. During the day it was the sun, but at night it was the moon. That might not seem so strange to you, but here's what I didn't tell you. It had no windows, only a small opening in the ceiling that was directly over my sister. Every day it would look like she was in pain, but during the night? The moment the moon light touched her skin she would look better than ever. Finally, he arrived. The man that ripped me from our mother's body to bring me and apparently my sister to the place where we were changed. The bags? They are what created our powers."

Kira held up her palm, a small fireball forming. She looked at it and then the room full of people she was talking to before she crushed her fist and made it disappear. "We were forced to work for him. If I didn't do what he said, he would hurt her. If she didn't listen..." Kira looked down. "I was used for something much worse." She whispered with anger before she looked at them again. Black Widow knew what the woman meant instantly. "I'm sorry..." She said softly.

"We finally broke away. Turned against him and tried to stop him. We hid the soul stone in a place they could never find. We made a condition that men like that could never break. It might have been dangerous, but we never want them to have that kind of power. No one should have all of those stones. They plan to wipe out half of the population. If they aren't stopped, that's exactly what is going to happen." Kira finished.

"So you need us to help." Wanda said, looking from one sister to the other. "It's not about helping, it's about protecting. We aren't strong enough on our own, but with all of you? They won't stand a chance." Luna said, stepping up to stand beside her sister. "During the day, the sun would burn me. I would have actual burn marks on my body. I spent day after day screaming and my sister had to listen to that. I would have to watch him touch her, threaten to do more if I didn't do what they wanted. I was made to be a weapon. A person who can block out the sun if I can gain enough power. At night I can create beams of light FROM the moon that works a lot like the lightning Thor can control."

"But you look so sweet." Banner said, looking slightly confused. "Exactly. I can walk among any group of individuals as if I belong. No one would suspect that I'm the one that has the most power. Looking at the two of us you all probably thought Kira was the one that would be the bigger threat. Her hand to hand is...out of this world. She can fight. But as far as their abilities I can cause a lot more damage to someone. I'm SUPPOSED to be underrated." Luna said before she looked at Kira who was still watching them.

"With Luna by our side we can't lose. If need be I will give my power to her, so she can summon an early moon and stop them. They are smart, but they created a weapon with something they didn't count on." Kira added.

"What's that?" Steve asked, looking at her.

"They didn't count on us escaping."

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