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Chapter Six

Chapter Sixø

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PETER WOKE up first. The unfamiliar living room should've sent his spidey-sense into a frenzy, but it didn't, and before Peter could start panicking himself he heard the steady breathing of someone of the other couch. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and convinced himself he wasn't in any immediate danger. He saw clearly that it was Delaina sleeping on the other couch with a blanket similar to the one Peter had, tucked up to her chin.

"The time is now 6:47 AM. The temperature is 64°F and the weather calls for a brief thunderstorm." Said FRIDAY as part of her wake-up alarm protocol. Anytime Peter slept over on a school night FRIDAY was there to make sure he got up on time.

"Good morning Friday," said Peter cheerily.

"UGghhg," groaned Delaina as she flipped over in her blanket burrito.

"Delaina we have to get up now if we wanna get to school on time," Peter pointed out.

"Bold of you to assume i'm going to school today," Peter pulled an exasperated face.

"Why wouldn't you go to school?" He humored.

"Well i'm obviously sick, like drowsiness and... early dementia. Plus we'll never get to school on time if we've gotta walk home and get ready." She pointed out.

"Well I'm sure there's a flannel or something around here you can wear— I have my own room here for instances like this but before I had a room to keep clothes in I mostly wore SI merch."

Delaina sighs. "Whatever-- wait, you have a room? Why do you have a room?" Peter shrugged.

"I stay really late sometimes," He pointed out. Delaina squinted at Peter as if he were trying to cover something up. Peter is a bad liar and this seemed like one of the excuses he would use.

"Okay sure, but I don't have any of my school stuff." And the statement was very true. She didn't.

"Delaina, when have you ever gone to school with your stuff?" He questioned with a knowing look. She snorted.

"Heh, yeah you right." Her homework was always late and currently her book bag is in her locker at school. "Okay, help me up!"

Peter walked over to Delaina and pulled her off of the couch by her arms and led the way to his room. Delaina has to admit that the room was really cool even if it looked like Nerd Central with a splash of red and blue. Lots of the stuff in here looked expensive and with Tony Stark around she expected no less.

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