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^^Picture up top is Alexis ^^

Finally I arrived at the office and get my timetable.

Ok room 12 where the hell is that. Fuck I'm so lost.

I see a girl down the hall she look nice well hopefully she is.

"Sorry could you help me find room 12 I'm kind of lost."

"Yea no problem I'm Alexis by the way you must be the new student Lily."

"Yea I am I just moved here and so far it's not too bad"I tell her.

We continue talking and finally we arrive at class.
As I walk in everyone turns to look at me.

"What's there problem why don't they mind they're own damn business"

"Welcome you must be the new student Lily" the old teacher says

"Yea I am sorry for being late I got lost"I explain

"Well since it's your first day I'll excuse it this time go and take a seat next to Adam at the back" she orders

I make my way to the seat and sit down. When I finally take a look at Adam I see he has perfect brown hair and beautiful blue eyes wow

"Are you done checking me out yet" he chuckes

"No not yet I need a few more minutes" I respond as I keep roaming his body.

"Wow ok that's surprising I thought you would stop uncontrollably blushing when I caught you" he says trying to hide his surprise.

"Well maybe your over estimating how good looking you actually are and the effect you have on girls"I smirk

"Maybe but by the way your checking me out I doubt what your saying is true" he taunts.

"Or maybe I'm just not affected by your charm like the rest of the girls in this school".

"I've never met a person like you, your so intriguing, your so interesting your so... different"he smiles.

"Different is always good I'm Lily by the way" I chuckle.

Adam he holds out his hand for me to shake.

Well nice to meet you Adam I have a feeling we will be good friends I say as I shake his hand.

We continue talking throughout the class until the bell rings.

"See you at lunch Adam"I wink and walk off.

The next classes fly by and now it's finally lunch. Finally I can eat my precious food.

I arrive at the canteen and line up for my food when I got it I turn around and suddenly I hit into someone.

"Fuck sake my food would you ever watch where your walking"I say

"Babe we really need to stop meeting like this" the voice says.

"Oh god no not you why does it have to be you" I whine

"Seems like you just can't stay away babe maybe we're supposed to be together" he winks

"Yea you wish babe" I say sarcastically and turn to walk away

"Love you too babe" he chuckles

I put up my middle finger and continue walking away.

Lily.... I ignore the voice, Lily..... please go away, Lily.....

"WHAT what do you want" I yell as I turn around.

I see Alexis and instantly regret what I done.

"I'm so sorry Alex I didn't know it was you god I'm so stupid" I scold myself

"No no it's okay you didn't know it was me I shouldn't of annoyed you I'm sorry I'll just leave" she chokes out

"No I didn't mean it please stay I need a friend right now" I explain

"You consider me a friend" she asks astonished

"Of course we're best friends now" I chuckle


" Okay okay calm down" I laugh

And that was the beginning of a very special and hilarious friendship that would last a long time.

Please like and comment it means a lot to me.

Thanks, Grainne

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