Chapter Seven

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"I can't believe there are so many people here. Why did we have to come to an amusement park on the weekend?" Wesley grumbles, looking from the children on the rides to the parents checking their phones on to the side, completely unaware of what their children are doing.

"It'll be fun." Jaz replies, clearly preoccupied with spotting her new boy toy. Wes shakes his head at me, indicating that it will definitely not be fun.

When she finds said boy toy, she waves him over, a giant smile on her face as she finds him walking towards her with an equally as large smile.

Wesley and I share a look when we spot the businessmen walking towards us with two other guys trailing behind him slightly. They certainly stand out in the crowd of exhausted mothers and scantily dressed pre-teens. There were very few businessmen Wes and I had met that weren't snobbish and arrogant, they weren't making a very good first impression.

It was clear they were of a higher class than us, and obviously thought they were too. They radiate confidence as they walk towards us and I can practically see all of the surrounding girls swoon.

I don't understand how these girls so easily fall for men in suits. They do emit money and damn, they're gorgeous, but it's safe to say that ninety-nine percent of them are spoilt assholes. It's clear the single mums and teenagers simply want them for their money.

"Hey beautiful." The man in the middle greets Jaz as he pulls her into a tight hug, one of those hugs where you are engulfed completely and feel safe an warm. I hadn't had one of those hugs in a very long time. I see her snuggle, into him before realising Wes and I are still there.

She coughs lightly and steps back, not making eye contact with either me or Wes before once more making googly eyes at her boy toy.

"Guys this is Adrian Cooke." I catch Wesley stiffen out of the corner of my eye, so subtle that nobody else would notice it. I feel a heavy, unrelenting weight settle on my chest that I knew would never go away because, you see...

Wes and I had killed Adrian's brother, Damien.

It was several years ago now but we still remember the names of every target, their family and their history. It's hard not to when you're taking that person's life, it stays with you. It doesn't help when there's still an open investigation into the target's death.

Damian Cooke smuggled girls. He travelled to third world countries on 'business trips' to improve the image of his business. While there he picked girls off the streets who were poor and vulnerable, promising them the 'American Dream' before trapping them into a life of prostitution.

It was pretty clear why The Agency put a target on his back and I sure as hell don't regret my actions. However, seeing Jaz so happy and knowing that I might be a reason for her new man's sadness, sucks.

Adrian greeted both Wesley and I politely, knowing nothing about how the murderers from his brother's ongoing investigation were in fact standing right in front of him.

It wasn't the best job of our careers, like always there was a hiccup, only this time there were around twenty. Long story short, Adrian, using his power and money, called the police for a murder investigation.

Luckily, they don't have any evidence and the trail is dead cold. However, the police aren't going to stop any time soon with Adrian throwing hundred-dollar bills at them.

Adrian smiles warming at his brother's assassins, before introducing his two well-dressed companions.

The first, Sebastian Turner. The Turner family runs a very successful legal firm and Sebastian is very obviously being groomed for the CEO position for when his father retires.

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