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Lucy's pov

I stumbled up my driveway and towards the sliding glass doors that led to the suite, but before i could get there i bumped into something hard.

I stumbled back a bit mumbling to myself while five laughing voices filled my ears.

"Did I come to the right house?" I asked them.

"I don't know love."

I looked up at the house and sure enough it was mine. Then i looked back at the five guys in front of me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them

"Uh our car broke down and we really need a place to stay for the night..." one that looked like Justin Bieber, i walked towards him and put my hands on his face squishing it together and back and forth.

"Holy shit your Justin Bieber!" I yelled at him.

The other four guys were on the ground rolling with laughter by now.

"No im not, sorry love."

"Whats your name, beautiful?" A blond one asked.

"NIALL!" All four other guys screamed at his flirting with me.

I proceed to move my hands from not-Justin's face and put them one his, squishing his cheeks together and examining him carefully. Well as carefully as i can in my drunken state.

The guys started laughing again and i pouted at them, keeping my hands in the blond guy in front of me.

"Why are you guys laughing at me?" I asked them still pouting.

"Bloody hell, your completely smashed." I a curly one said and i imidiatly moved my hands to his curls suddenly very intrigued by them.

The were so bouncy!

I took the tip of one in my fingers and pulled it then let it loose and started laughing as i bounced up and down on his head.

"Should we take her inside?" Another one said and I moved over to him and stood in front of him and staring at him tilting my head back and forth before snapping my fingers in an "ah-ha" moment.

He looked at me curiously and i sighed.

"Nope lost it." I said because i genuinely can't remember what i was going to say.

I looked at the last boy and he faked locking his lips, but when he through away the key i freaked out. What if he couldn't find it again?

"No! You'll never be able to speak again! We have to find the key!" I shouted then ran to where he through it and started looking.

"Got it!" I said and stood up running over to him and pretending to unlock his mouth and un zip it.

They all broke into fits of laughter.

"What's so funny? I was doing a good dead! Oooo i should write up my volunteer hours! You know cause i volunteered to help you unlock your mouth!" I said to him, which made them laugh harder.

I remembered there question from early and shrugged, "sure, my parents won't be home for another week." I said walking past them and into the suite then out that door and down the hall to my bedroom, collapsing on my bed.


So uh first fanfic.... dont hate me if i get things wrong.... most chapters will be longer i just wanted to get an explanation out there.....

So enjoy...


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