3 - With My Luck, I'm Amazed None Of The Bombshells Dropped Were Real

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My first instinct was to hurry home. I held myself back, though. My parents were furious with me already, and this would only make things worse. They didn't want to listen to anything I had to say anyway, what would make this any different? 

I shook my head, I didn't care. I continued to run home. I had to face them sometime. 

It was hard to focus. So much was going on, that I had almost forgotten about the blood. I quickly found the nearest public bathroom and ducked in.

I did my best to rinse out the dried blood, but it wasn't working too well. Just the sight of it was making me dizzy. Julian's screams were playing on repeat within my head. I looked at myself. I was pale, the red contrasted against my face. I continued to try to rinse it off. 

The taste of blood was overpowering, I had a massive headache. Pain suddenly filled my mouth, and it made me question whether or not that blood was actually Julian's. The pain began to grow, until I was on the floor, holding back screams of agony. 

It took about another minute or two before it stopped, but it was soon replaced by a different kind of pain, one that felt like cuts. I held a hand up to my mouth and checked. Fresh blood. I felt around in my mouth, and felt something that wasn't right.

I got up in front of the mirror. Using a finger, I pulled back my cheek. My eyes widened in horror as I dropped my hand. 

Where my canines should be, were fangs. Large, sharp, terrifying fangs

I definitely had to talk about this. 

I quickly wiped all the blood, and ran home.

When I got there, I entered silently, which was surprising considering the fact that I was a flustered mess. 

I walked to my parents room, placing my hand on the door knob. What was I going to tell them?

I stopped myself from going in after I heard their conversation.

"Should we tell him?" My dad asked.

"Not ready," My mom replied.

"We have to tell him sometime."

"Not ready. Besides, what good would that do?"

My dad sighed. "This is madness."


The doorbell rang.

I ran to the hallway, keeping out of view, as my parents went to answer the door. 

I peeked around the corner as they opened it.

Yet another surprise: Julian.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, have you seen Blane around?"

I don't know what that guy was up to, but it was no good, for sure. Why the heck was he here and not a hospital getting his arm looked at?!

"No, as a matter of fact, we haven't. He's been missing." My mom answered.

"Well that's too bad," He said. "Say, have you noticed him acting strange lately? Has done anything to you? Like... I don't know... attacked you?"

My parents looked at each other and then back at Julian. "No," my mom lied. "Why? Has he done anything to you?" Her stone cold voice sent shivers down my spine.

Julian gave a clearly fake innocent smile. "Actually..." My breathing stopped. "He has." Julian held forward his arm, which he at least wrapped up in cloth. He slowly unwrapped it, revealing to my parents the torn up disaster beneath. The mess that I had left behind.

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