My dad's my sensei

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"Wake up Miharu-chan!" Kakashi shouted, for the tenth time now. Miharu jumped. "KYAA!!!! Good morning oto-OW-san!!" Miharu shouted as her butt hit the floor. "Ouch, hard land you did there." Kakashi winced. "Well not my fault I jumped 20 feet into the air." Miharu rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah just get ready for the academy. Iruka-sensei has exciting news for you." Kakashi winked. Miharu stretched and cracked some joints. She got dressed into her usual mint green sundress and rushed downstairs. An onigirl hit the side of her face.

"What...?" Miharu raised an eyebrow. "Hehe, sorry." Kakashi winked. "Yup, itadakimasu." Miharu rolled her eyes, with a smile, and ate the onigirl that hit her face. Kakashi held back a laugh...couldn't help it. "Oh I'm gonna get you back oto-san." Miharu snickered and put an evil look on her face. It didn't look so evil, or at least not evil enough for Kakashi to pull out a kunai. "I want to see you try." Kakashi laughed. Miharu did a death glare. "Yeah yeah yeah laugh while you can." Miharu managed to smile at that.

"Alright let's get to school!" Kakashi said. "You're going to school with me?" Miharu asked as she saw Kakashi comb his hair and get his ANBU jacket on. "No I'm not. I know you're a big girl now, you could go to school on your own. I also have a mission today so I have to go get ready. I don't want to go outside looking like I'm drunk." Kakashi rolled his eyes. "I see you ahve a point. But why do your hair? It always looks like you have bedhead so..why bother to comb it?" Miharu asked. Kakashi sweatdropped. "Well let's just say....I don't want my hair to be more bedheady. So I have to comb it." Kakashi responded. "Alright, just hurry up with that." Miharu giggled.

Miharu rushed outside and saw a familiar face at her door. "Kiba-san! Morning." Miharu smiled. "Who are you?" Kiba asked. "Me? It's me Kiba-san, Miharu..." Miharu said, a little bit surprised. "OH!! Miharu-chan!! I barely recognized you!" Kiba laughed. "Why is that?" Miharu asked. "Your hair. You look like my mom." Kiba handed her a mirror. Miharu did look like Tsume. "EH!!!?!?!?!?!?!" Miharu screamed. "Here. Make your hair less bedheady." Kakashi laughed and handed her a comb. Another death glare was shot at Kakashi and Miharu combed her hair. "Alright I'm heading to school oto-san, bye bye!" Miharu winked and ran off with Kiba. Kakashi waved as he saw her leave.

"Hey so Miharu-chan, did your dad tell you that Iruka-sensei had exciting news?" Kiba asked. "Yes he actually did. What are your mom?" Miharu asked. Kiba nodded. "I'm so excited!!! Maybe we're going on a trip to see the Hokage's office!! I'll finally know what it's like to be Hokage!" Kiba's eyes sparkled. "You sound just like Naruto-san." Miharu teased. "Lots of people want to be Hokage!" Kiba smiled. "You're one of them." Miharu winked. "And I will be Hokage one day!! I will make a holiday for dogs!" Kiba raised a fist into the air. Miharu couldn't help but laugh.

Now at the academy, Kiba and Miharu scurried to their seats just as Iruka was walking in. "Good morning students! I believe your parents told you about some exciting news." Iruka smiled. Everyone seemed to nod. "Well I'm going to tell you the good news now. You're all being put on teams and getting a sensei to teach you new jutsu, go on missions with, and defeat bad guys with! They'll forever be your sensei and they'll help you become a true ninja." Iruka smiled. Everyone cheered, minus Sasuke who kept his calm face.

"Now let me announce the teams!" Iruka said and everyone went quiet. "Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara." Iruka read. "I'm stuck with a loser and a fatty??" Ino grumbled. Choji was busy eating chips. "Heh, what a troublesome woman we have here." Shikamaru smirked. "Next up! Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka." Iruka continued. Shino had his normal calm face...actually you couldn't really see his face. His mouth was covered by his upturned jacket collar and his eyes were covered with black sunglasses. His appearance was very mysterious along with his personality. "Aw I'm not with Kiba-san." Miharu pouted. "Pretty sad too. Ah but who cares! We could still hang out Miharu-chan!!" Kiba grinned. Miharu nodded, flashing a smile.

Born From a Fire (Kakashi daughter fanfic, KibaxOC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now