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I awoke with a gasp "Holly shit it worked!"A man's voice scares me and I jump up almost knocking over a small girl. "Where am I? Who are you? Where's Logan? Where's Laura and Eli?"I was panicking looking around at all the faces. "Dead. Years ago. Charlie is the only survivor of the Xavier Howlett line she's the daughter of Laura. That's how you're alive. She can redirect the dead. We weren't sure it would work because you were gone for so long."A man dressed in all black with tattoos says. "Charles said it would work.""You didn't believe him"Two red headed girls reply as if they were one person. "Papa? Papa' s alive?"I question. "Not exactly. He speaks to some mutants we're not sure how. He's who lead us to you"A girl with bright orange eyes replies. "You're supposed to save us. Save all the mutants."a younger girl probably 10 says. "This is insane. Where's Logan? Logan? Logan this isn't funny! Logan come on stop. Logan where are you?"I call looking around all the people this is not funny we were just almost killed. "Logan's dead. He died protecting Laura and Eli."A boy with curly light brown hair says. I roll my eyes "Logan isn't dead. He does this sometimes. I can't believe he found so many people agreeing to play along. Ecspecially when he's on the run. Laura? Eli? Come on you guys"I call out looking for my children. "Alexis. I'm sorry they are dead."A boy with glasses and a lab coat says. "No. No they aren't. Stop this isn't funny anymore. Laura! Logan! Papa! Eli!"I yell out there names almost in tears. Where was my family? "Shh!""Be quiet!""Stop yelling" "No. Where are they! Where is my family! Please come out."I was yelling  begging  for them to come to me tell me this was a lie. "Al-"Someone grabs my arm and I spin around grabbing their arm inflicting as much pain as I could the girl with black hair screamed in pain falling to the ground. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry."I call to the ground in tears. I lost them. They were really dead my family was gone. I was sobbing it was hard to breath. Logan's dead. Logan wasn't supposed to be able to die. He was supposed to live. He was supposed to protect Papa and Laura and Eli. They were all gone. My heart hurt like someone was squeezing it. "I miss mama too"The young girl I had almost knocked down says as she wraps he arms around my neck holding me as I sobbed. It hurt more knowing this is what Laura did to me last time I had cried. I lost them I lost them all.

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