I have his number!

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I have Chavin's Number!!!!! We had a freaking 9 hour conversation. It all started with me saying, "Emily called you an ugly haired cat." Well that's a good conversation starter.
I told him he should come to get ice cream with us after my show. Obviously I was just kidding. But my mom and his mom LET US.

(After the show) We weren't able to go get ice cream but we picked Chavin up and we went to the movies.... alone. Together. I wanted to hold his hand SOOOOOOOOO badly. But we weren't dating yet. *cough* YET *cough.* We went home. I had to text somebody. ANYBODY that would listen about that day. The last person I texted was Liza. I told her. Next thing you know we are planning a double date with Chavin and I, then Liza and Brady. BOI WAS I STOKED. But Chavin and I weren't even dating. While we were planing the day to do it, Liza out of nowhere texted, "So are you guys dating yet?" I texted Chavin privately. "Chavin this is awkward," But then I thought, it's now or never Reese. I had to suck it up and tell him. Right then and there. I took a deep breath and slowly texted, "Chavin, to be honest, I've had a crush on you for a while now..." I kept looking at the three dots which meant he was texting back. His response almost made me pass out.

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