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Jin: im nervous

Jin: what if he doesn't like me???

Jimin: who doesn't like you?

Jimin: are you almost at his apartment?

Jin: i'm standing outside his door...

Jimin: what happened to your confidence?

Jin: it's still there, but something is different about this guy...

Jimin: awww, cute. i gtg, good luck!

Jin sighs as he puts his phone back in his pocket.

Come on, get it over with!

Jin knocks on the door.

He hears stumbling from the inside.

Well, I hope he's okay

Seconds later, the door opens.

Instead of Namjoon, it's a small guy.

He stares at Jin, confused, but then his eyes light up.

"Namjoon, your boyfriend's here!"

"Oh, Yoongi, shut up!"

Yoongi comes running behind Namjoon and pushes him out the door.

"Have fun! Kiss for me!"

There's a moment of silence, and they just take each other in.

Namjoon is the first one to talk.

"Uh, hi... sorry about Yoongi."

Jin hugs him. "It's okay. I hope you feel better now than when you first texted me."

"I actually kind of do... thanks for actually responding, I know most people wouldn't."

They walk down the hallway and Jin giggles. "You're a lot cuter in person. I can't believe you think you're ugly."

Namjoon feels heat rush to his cheeks.

He doesn't know how to handle compliments.

"I-uh... you're wrong..." He manages to say.

Jin sighs.

"You need to be positive. You're a ray of sunshine, act like it."

"Where are you getting this from? You don't even know me that well."

Jin pauses for a second.

"Well, I can tell you're a good person."

Namjoon chuckles.

"Lies." he whispers.


Namjoon opened his mouth to say something, but closed it.

He decided Jin would always win the arguments.


Namjoon: hey... ur actually a really nice person.

Jin: and you're just now realizing that?

Namjoon: ....

Jin: .....

Jin: K bye

Namjoon: nOoOOOooo

Jin: hehehe

Namjoon: can we meet up again sometime? 

Jin: aww u miss me already??

Namjoon: shut up or i'll take that back

Jin: when are you free?

Namjoon: i'm always free because i have no life.

Jin: what if we just start meeting up every saturday from now on?

Namjoon: lit

Jin: dOn'T

Namjoon: but y not

Jin: because i said

Namjoon: gtg

Jin: eeeee don't leave me

Seen at 6:29 PM

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