Part One : Who's That?

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It is around 1:30 in the afternoon. Life has been going some what smooth and you're about to go for your average jog. You decide it'd be best to go to the town lake. Normally you'd go to the park, but it was such a beautiful day out. You get in your car and drive off. When you get there, about two other cars were parked in the parking lot. You get out your car, plug your headphones in, and begin to run. As you're running, you see this nice looking guy sitting on a bench looking at you. You pay no mind to it, so you continue to run. You run around another lap and see he is still looking at you, but with a smile. You can't get him off your mind. You walk over to him,

Y/N - Hey, I saw you just sitting here alone, and I was wondering, were you waiting for someone?

Zac - No, I actually came by myself. It's such a beautiful day, isn't it?

Y/N - Very. Um, I don't know, but if you'd like, do you wanna run with me? Of course if you don't want to, I totally get it.

Zac - No, I'd love to.

Zac smiles looks up at you. Your eyes lock and you begin to notice his beautiful blue eyes. He gets up and reaches out to shake your hand.

Zac - Hi, I'm Zac

Y/N - Hi, I'm Y/N

You begin to walk around the lake. Time has passed and it's now around 3:05. All you guys have talked about was life and gotten to know each other a bit.

Y/N - Hey Zac, just so you know, I know who you are. I'm not gonna freak out over you, cause I know you probably get that a lot. In my eyes, you're just a normal guy. You do things that everybody else does.

Zac - You know Y/N, I like hanging with you. You're so chill and understanding. You haven't freaked out and you've noticed that I'm just like everyone else. I like that about you.

Y/N - Why thank you. You're pretty cool too.

You and Zac walk around for another 10 minutes, but you just realized that you made plans to hang with friends later tonight for dinner.

Y/N - Oh shoot, I totally forgot that I made plans to hang with my friends tonight, I'm so sorry, but I have to go and clean myself up.

Zac - Don't worry I totally understand. I really enjoyed this. Maybe we should hang out and do this again another time.

Y/N - I'd love to. How about on Friday? We could grab something to eat.

Zac - Why not? Hey let me give you my number and you could give me yours, so we can discuss about Friday.

Y/N - Sounds like a plan!

You both exchange numbers and you guys start walking to your cars.

Y/N - Well, I'll see you on Friday!

Zac - See you then! Have fun tonight.

Y/N - Thank you!

You begin to drive off, but can't stop thinking of how wonderful today was. Now you can't wait for Friday.

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