Part Three : Out for Bowling

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A week has now gone by since you've last seen Zac. Your dinner was amazing and you both had a great time. You both manage to keep contact, and text everyday. You wake up to birds chirping outside your bedroom window. You reach for your phone and look at the time. It reads 8:45 AM. You also spot that Zac has just texted you. He wrote "Morning Beautiful." You are in complete shook and don't know what to say. You respond with "awe thank you Zac, that's so sweet. Morning handsome!" He then replies with "Hey, thank you. I feel like everyone should wake up with a smile and know how precious they are. Especially people like you, Y/N." You and Zac text for a little bit, as you are cleaning the house, brushing your teeth, and walking the dog. He then decides to FaceTime you. You answer

Zac - Hey Y/N, so about tonight...

Y/N - You're canceling? Man I was so...

Zac - No,No,No, I was just saying, do you want to go bowling around 1:00 this afternoon?

Y/N - Oh yeah, of course.

Zac - Great, I'll pick you up at 12:30

Y/N - I'll see you then!

You hang up the FaceTime call with Zac and start getting ready. It's now 11:20, you get in the shower and get ready. It's now 12:30, you hear a knock on the door.

Y/N - Hey Zac

Zac - Hey (Y/N), How are you?

You both lean in and give each other a hug.

Zac - So, are you ready to go?

Y/N - Yeah sure!

Zac - I picked you up now, because I wanted to grab some food before we go. I have reserved a lane for us at 1:40.

Y/N - Awesome. So where are we going?

Zac - Where ever you'd like!

Y/N - Oh lord, stop it!

Zac chuckles a bit,

Zac - What did I do?

Y/N - "Where ever you'd like" come on! You're such a gentleman. How about bagels?

Zac - Sounds like a plan. Oh and by the way, that's not how I talk.

You both laugh and head down to the bagel shop near the bowling alley. You get out the car and start walking inside. When you and Zac get inside, you hear two squeals. You both turn around and see two of Zac's fans there.

Zac - Hey Guys! Nice to meet you. How are you? What's your names.

Megan - Hey Zac, it's so cool to actually see you. We are obviously your fans. Well my name is Megan and this is my friend Kendall.

Kendall - Hey Zac, we both love you so much and adore you with every bit of our hearts. You are just to incredible and we love you.

Zac - Hey Megan and Kendall. You guys don't understand, I get to do what I love, because of people like you. With your love and support, I get to follow my dreams, and I hope the same will happen to you. Do you guys want a photo?

Kendall and Megan both agree to a photo and Zac asks you to take it. As you are taking their photo, you can't help but notice how great Zac is with fans. It warms your heart to see him acting all goofy and with that big smile on his face.

Megan - (whispers) Hey Zac, who's that?

Zac - (whispers) That's Y/N

Kendall - Well Y/N is very (pretty/handsome)

Zac - I know

As the fans leave you and Zac take a bit about him and his fans while you guys eat. You guys then get going for bowling. When you guys arrive, you put on your bowling shoes and get going. You both are having a good time, except Zac keeps getting strikes, and you keep getting a gutter ball.

Zac - You really suck at this game.

Y/N - Hey I'm trying!

Zac - Here let me help you.

Zac stands behind you, he guides your arms and allows raps them around your stomach. When he shows you how to do it, you actually make a strike! In excitement you quickly turn around forgetting his directly behind you, and kiss him on the cheek.

Y/N - Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

Zac - Hey, don't worry about it. It's.....It's cool.

You guys play a few more rounds and then he drives you home.

Y/N - I had a lot of fun today. Thank you!

Zac - Dinner tomorrow night?

Y/N - Sure of course.

Zac - Great, I'll be here at Seven.

Y/N - Great, see you then.

Zac smile and drives off. You walk inside, go upstairs, and fall on your bed. You keep thinking about the kiss. You realize how much you truly have feelings for him.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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