Part Two : Is This a Date?

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After your long day at work as a cashier at the local Starbucks, it's now 5:30 PM. You look down at your phone and notice Zac is calling you. You start to remember that today was the day you both were getting dinner!

Y/N - Hello?

Zac - Hey (Y/N), how are you?

Y/N. - I'm great, and yourself?

Zac - I'm fine, thank you. I was wondering if you were still up for dinner tonight?

Y/N - Oh yeah, absolutely!

Zac - Great! So where do you wanna go? It's totally up to you.

Y/N - I really don't mind. Wherever is fine.

Zac - Don't give me that! You have to have a favorite place to go and eat.

Y/N - No, not really. I'm more of a stay a home person.

Zac - Haha, well how about this, I'll meet you at your house around between 7:30 and 8:00, I'll pick you up and surprise you. Who knows where dinner might be?

Y/N - That sounds like plan. I'll see you then.

Zac - Don't forget to send my your address. I'll see you then

Y/N - I'll do that now. See you then. Bye.

You send him the address. Then you think to yourself. That only gives you two and a half hours to get ready. The drive to your house is around a half hour. You pull out of the parking lot and begin to drive home. As soon as you get home, you feed your dog, take them out for a walk, and run upstairs. Now it's around 6:05 You get your towel and head straight for the shower. After you get out the shower, it's around 6:45. You do your hair, get dressed, and clean the house a bit. Now it's 7:45 and a it's getting dark out. You are watching TV and sitting next to your dog on the couch. You hear a knock at the door. Your dog starts to bark. You get up to answer the door. There in front of you is Zac.

Zac - Hello, are you ready?

Y/N - Yeah, just give me a seco-

Before you can finish your sentence, your dog runs outside from under your legs.

Zac - Hey buddy, hey there. You didn't tell me you had a dog.

Y/N - I didn't know you liked dogs. His name is (Dog's Name). I got him five months ago.

Zac - Hey (Dog's name). I just rescued a dog. Her name is Maca, they should meet!

Y/N - that'd be an adventure. Should we go?

Zac - Oh yeah.

You put your dog away, shut off the lights, and lock the door. Zac walks you to the car. He opens the passenger door for you. You get in the car and he shuts the door. He hops in the car, you both put on your seatbelt, and he starts to drive.

Y/N - so where we going?

Zac - you'll see when we get there.

You both have a great time in the car. You jammin to some music, talk about your day, and laugh. You pull up to what looks like a fancy restaurant.

Zac - I don't know where you wanted to go. But this place has everything. It's not a buffet, but they have things from Mexican food to Italian food, fish, and steak

Y/N - This should be good

You both get out the car and walk inside. He asks for a table for two and you both are seated. A waiter walks over and takes down your drinks and meals. You both continue to conversation, and around 20 minutes later your food is presented to you.

Zac - So how was your day?

Y/N - Same as always. I'm working at a Starbucks with low pay, but I mean, I still have food and a roof over my head.

Zac - Well, I'm sorry to hear that your job's not good. Who knows, maybe you'll get a good job someday.

Y/N - True. How was yours?

Zac - It was normal. Had my workout, hung out with some friends and that was about it. Hey, speaking of friends, how are they? Didn't you hang with them the other night and get something to eat?

Y/N - You remember! Yeah, they are good.

Zac - That's good. I'm so glad that we get to hangout. You're so great and awesome to be around.

You guys eat your food and talk some more. Time goes by and 30 minutes later, the waiter comes out with the bill. Zac starts to put his money in case.

Y/N - How much was it?

Zac - It doesn't matter.

Y/N - Yeah it does! Let me see.

You see that the bill is about $78. You stop Zac.

Y/N - Are you crazy? I can't have you pay. Let me pay please.

Zac - Stop being silly, it's my treat. I told you I was taking you out for dinner.

Y/N - Thank you.

Zac - Of course.

Zac drives you home. He opens your door and walks you to your house.

Y/N - Thank you so much for tonight. I really did enjoy it.

Zac - Same here. I'll call you and we should hangout soon. Maybe next Saturday for Bowling?

Y/N - I'd love that.

Zac - Well, I'll see you then. Bye

Y/N - Bye.

You open your door, say good night to your dog, and go upstairs. You take another shower, put on your pajamas and get right to your bed. You start thinking to yourself about him. About how sweet he is. You begin to think to yourself, and ask, was this a date?

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