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Nothing comes without a price.

The noise coming from the vehicles down the street sounded nothing but a murmur to her ears. The lights from the lamp posts as well as from the cars looked like tiny little dots from the ledge where she stood. Too small and almost dim, just like her faith. The strong cold wind hit her face as she looked down, all hope lost in her blank eyes. This was the only thing left of her- suicide.

Amore Lyn wanted to leave everything behind. She wanted to just die.

And just like that, she pushed herself and fell off the tall building.

The speed of her fall matched the intensity of her heartbeat. She felt her heart kicked, counting the seconds before everything ended. A flash of lightning struck on the night sky and before the lady hit the cold cement, she find herself being hauled back up, defying gravity, and was tossed back on the roof top.

The thunder growled, just as long black and white feathers lightly swirled the air and gently fell on the ground.

Wide-eyed, Amore was shocked to the core, unable to comprehend what just happened.

"You shouldn't have done that," a voice rang out, electrifying her chest.

She turned, and before her eyes, stood a figure made up of pure light until it morphed into a man. An archangel.

"Had we met before, surely, I'll urge you to just jump." He crossed his arms over his chest, eyes piercing hers. "But that's not me, anymore. Don't you ever take your own life again."

His beauty and grace rendered her speechless. And as she blinked, another flash of thunder struck the sky, and with a snap, another archangel appeared between them.

"You're not pushing her to jump, are you?"

"A little trust here, Gabriel," he said, slightly raising an eyebrow.

Gabriel, with his strong physique and kind eyes, knelt down and stretched his hand over to her. Amore's face painted confusion, trying to guess if she was already dead or what. But taking your own life wouldn't make you see an angel-- that was her thought.

"A-am I dead?" she asked still, voice a bit hoarse.

Gabriel smiled at her and held her hand. A course of relief washed over her, suddenly erasing her fears and frustrations.

"Do you wanna be?"

"Morte," Gabriel called out to him, a crease on his forehead.

Amore looked over at the angel called Morte, getting mesmerized with his odd aura. He sure looked like a mighty archangel, but his two-colored wings were a puzzle to her. It was like a yin-yang.

"I am Rafael now," he replied and let out a sigh. He then turned to Amore again. "Believe me, you don't wanna do suicide again. Not everyone will get a good second chance so don't waste your life. Suicide will never be a solution. Your wings are gray. You're undecided where to go."

Gabriel helped her stood up. She felt her legs shaking and what she heard from Morte made her shiver even more.

"Gray wings?" she asked in a whisper.

"Yep," he replied gesturing his hand, drawing a pair of wings in the air. "There, at your back. Gray wings."

"They can't see it, Morte," Gabriel chimed in.

"Yeah, I forgot."

"You saved me," Amore uttered, her heat beating so fast. She still wasn't quite sure if she was dreaming, or maybe dead, or maybe what was currently happening was real, but she felt some hope igniting in the pit of her stomach.

Morte saw in the lady's eyes the sudden affection she had for him. He instantly stepped back, squared his shoulder and unfolded his massive wings.

"I'm taken," he said defensively and hastily pointed at Gabriel, who looked puzzled at his action. "He's not."

"What?" Gabriel replied, giving him a pointed look.

"I need to go," he said. "I forgot I have a practice with Michael."

Gabriel shook his head. Just like before, Morte never forgot his love for Vita.

"You're improving, you said a bunch of words without your usual cuss," he commented.

Morte trailed off, then turned at his brother again. "Well, then... Fuck." He grinned and soared up high. With a snap, he was gone.

She gasped. "Did he really say that?"

Gabriel looked at her. "What makes you do that?"

She knew what he was referring to. Amore dropped her gaze to the ground. She was tired of never getting an answer to her prayers. "After everything that's happening, how can I keep my faith?"

He gently tilted her chin up. Her warm brown eyes held plenty of fears, something Gabriel wanted to erase. All human beings had a weakness in their soul, and that rooted from lack of faith. Just like her.

Slowly, Gabriel wrapped his strong arms around her lean body, embracing her with his own holy grace. He had a message to deliver to her.

"Keep faith in your heart and faith will keep you."

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