(SMUT) Scroll of Destiny

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Synopsis: When someone offers you a job that includes delivering something to someone in heat, why deny it? If you dare. 

"Zilong!!" I heard Nana shout from the corridor.

"Yeah?" I asked, facing her. On her hand was a scroll, and she was gripping it pretty tightly. Must be really important.

"I..." She heaved, "Need you to...hh...Deliver this to Estes!" She said, handing me the piece of paper.

"Alright," I paused. "Couldn't you have done it yourself?" I asked. I mean there's no way she could be scared at the 'benevolent but strict' King of Elves, right? They're pretty close too with her being an Elf Cat and all.

Unless something wrong is going on.

"No can do!" She said, saluting me as if she's entrusting this seemingly impossible duty to me.

"Why not?"

She made a confused face as if the answer is obvious. "Because you're not doing anything, I have to feed Molina, my dragon cat, you know how she is..." She continued on with a few more excuses until she said something that intrigued me the most.

"...And most importantly he's in his heat..."

"What?" I had to ask just in case I heard it wrong. Elves get heat? How come she can sense it? Does everyone in their kingdom know when their King is in heat?

I could've asked all of those questions but she got flustered.

"Uh..." She said.


"Gotta go, see ya!" She waved off while running away.

"Hey!" I screamed in protest. I nervously looked down at the scroll I was holding.

I dared to open it.

There was a lot of Elven Alphabet characters that I have no clue how to decipher. I could ask for help, but it seems like I have to deliver this ASAP.

"Oh, there's a translation on the bottom.." I murmured as I read what the description says about the untranslated paragraph which is apparently a vital spell for elfkind.

"Use to boost and end Royal Heat quickly." I flushed and immediately closed the paper.

I decided trudge down the Elven Forest to complete this fairly simple task.

What choice do I have? Give this scroll to some guy else? I'm sure that would make me look like a total quitter, because who would like to miss the chance of seeing the disciplinary Elf King writhing and begging on the sheets?

I thought about it though. Some of my attempts to court the ladies in the Guild were usually unsuccessful. Trust me, I tried Freya but she wanted to stay as a pure goddess.

I was one hundred percent into women 'till he came along. At first I really thought he was a lady, judging by his hair, his curves, and that little cute loose hair that Kagura could describe as an 'ahoge'.

His attitude too. Sure he can be bossy sometimes but when you compliment him he gets all flustered which is kind of cute. That's what he does to other people. When I compliment him, he gets dishonest and pretends to be annoyed by it saying it's no big deal. Which is also cute, for me at least.

'Damn it, just go in, give the scroll, and leave," I scolded myself as I approached his house.

Easy task.

I paused as I saw his surprisingly simple house. It was surrounded by-from what it looks like-a magical barrier.

I stuck my hand out to see if I could go in and to my surprise, I can.

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