The Gangleader and The Street Fighter.(6)

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Hii welcome back sorry I haven't posted in a while, I'm writing another book so it will be out soon and I'll let you guys know later on within the story. The next chapter is going to an Author notice so on to the chapter. Cya.
Lexi's pov :

Me and the guys had been messing around and talking about what I had missed. They were all still single but they had stopped being players and were now ready to find their girls. I teased all of them about how much they sounded like girls until we decided it was best to start training.

First I changed into my fighting clothes so I  didn't have to chage later on. I practiced many of my best moves with the help of the guys being my test subjects, they also gave me ways to improve and inflict the most damage. The time was was now 10 and I arrived at the gym at around 4 in the afternoon so basically I spent most of the day here.

"Shit. Guys we've gotta go my match starts in half an hour" I was already running towards the doors

"Lexi wait" I turned around and caught a pair of keys "take my motorbike"

"Thanx Tony" I ran out the room with the gang on my heels.

We ran past the slunt and I shouted "you fired whore" She turned pale white as Tony walked up to her

I jumped on to Tony's motorbike and sped of with the guys following on their own bikes. We reached the club called Nightingale one of the club's along with Passion that I strip at, they are both owned by Tony's family. I ran up to the bouncer and jumped on his back.

"Guess who Ro-Ro" I stifled a laugh

"How's my lil sis, when did you get back" he questioned laughing lifting me from his back into his arms, pecking me on the cheek

"Not long ago. Now hurry up and open the dam door before I'm late for my match" I gave him a stern look wiggling free from his grasp

He started laughing even harder and opened the door for me and the guys. We ran into door after door past people grinding onto eachother and straight into the ring hall. They guys surrounded me at all sides making me feel small although I'm quite tall for most girls my age at my 5'7 height, I glared at all of them and they started laughing I soon joined in.

Jay bent down to my height and whispered into my ear but loud enough that the guys could hear.

"When did you change into your fighting gear I would have loved to help" I could tell he was smirking

I blushed at his dirty statement. Then hit him along the chest, the guys started laughing. My hand was still on his chest when I felt him flex his muscle stretching under my hand. I burst out laughing.

I could feel someone's intense stare watching me, I felt it from the time I stepped into the room. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked around the room. My eyes rested on a man sitting in the VIP room. He was wearing a leather jacket that made his muscles bulge he was I think '6.7' in height but I couldn't tells since he wasn't standing up right.

"Dang he's ripped and hott wonder how big he is " Jay whispered wiggling his eyebrows. I looked down and blushed. UGH what wrong with me today I just can't stop blushing.

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