The Gangleader and The Street Fighter. (7)

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Lexi's pov :

Shit. I had blacked our during the fight it sometimes happens when I extramly pissed it's like I have a split personality something else takes over my body. I looked up at the man in the VIP room and smiled and winked before jumping down and running to my friends.

"What time is it" I shouted while reaching them

"It's 11" one of them replied

Oh shit I'm gonna be late. I hugged them and ran out the room straight to Tony's motorbike and sped of. I took out my phone and texted the guys to keep a track on my phone because I could tell people were following me.

I arrived in about 19 minutes I hid the bike with a black cover and ran to the back of the house and climbed up to the attic, and belive me is not an easy thing when your body just took a beating at a fight.

I climbed through the window and took of my clothes and threw them down out the window. I hurriedly changed my clothes and put on my pj's wich was a pair of shorts and a sport bra.

I dashed downstairs and saw my parents standing there waiting for me.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" he started shouting at me

"I went to look for a job and found one then I stayed there for a while helping around for the extra money. After that I came here and fell asleep but I overslept" I lied to them keeping a straight face and let me tell you it's hard

My mother went into the kitchen and bought back a knife. She handed it to my father who was slowly walking to me with an evil look on his face."Do you take us for fools".

I screamed when he stabbed me with the knife in my side and two on my legs. He threw it on the floor and repeatedly started kicking me. My mother soon joined in but she only aimed for the stab wounds.

Three men burst into the room they were all tall and muscular and very dangerous looking. Two of them grabbed a hold of my parents while the third came over to me worried. He was the man from the VIP room.

"Thank you" it barley came out as a whisper but I knew he heard me.

I was lifted into his arms and I felt warm and happy like I was safe. I felt darkness taking over me and I welcomed it happily. I felt my body shift out of the man's arms into another but I didn't argue cause I was too tired.


Leo's pov :

I watched as Tyler took my baby girl out the house and into the car before driving of to my house. I turned and looked at the slunt of a mother and a bastard father of my girl.

"Why the hell were you beating her" I was beyond pissed

"S-She's a w-whore who d-deserves to die I d-don't s-see why you c-care unless she was one of y-your one night stands" the basted father spoke he obviously knew who I was but he was trying too look cool in front of the whore was staring at me and the guys hungrily

I walked over to him and punched him in the gut. Believe me I was going to do much worse. I ordered the boys to take him and the woman to the gang house and tie them up then  stalked out and drove to my house.

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