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"Uhh...ok then" Hoseok drinks his tea. There is an awkward silence between the two, almost unbearable. Yoongi didn't like that, so he spoke up,

"How was work today? Did you eat lunch?" Yoongi asked with a bit of a worried tone.

"It was okay...Don't worry...... I ate lunch..."

"How were the rice cakes?"

"Delicious~" The older smiles remembering the taste of them." I could just eat them all day... "

"Do you want some tomorrow" Yoongi smiles. He's happy that Hoseok loved and appreciated his rice cakes. And the older nods at the question. I'm happy he liked them!

"How's the tea?"

"Tasty~...you actually even don't need to ask me you know what my answer will be," Hoseok giggles.
"I want this to be perfect for you...I bought this one movie I want to watch with you...Are you free some time?"

"I have plans today......but other days I have some free time" Hoseok smiles, just the thought of enjoying time together was the thing that brightened the mood up.

"I'll come to your house then...So my mom doesn't kick you out, like last time," He smiles bitterly at the memory.

"How about tomorrow?"

"Sure" Yoongi smiles, they agree to exchange with numbers, just in case.

Jimin arrives opposite to Hoseok's house, just excited for their date. He walks up to the door, but before he knocks he hears a lady maybe in her 50' screaming on a boy, 'Gosh, how can he live next to a such a family' he then knocks on the door.

"Coming!" There is some running downs stairs and the door is opened.

"Omo" Jimin blushes at the sight, "You look stunning Hobi!"

"stop j..joking. ....." Hoseok blushes at the comment.

Suddenly more screaming from Hoseok's neighbours, YAH COME BACK!

"I'm not joking you do look hot as ever," Jimin took another head to toe look at him, "Let's go I don't like the sound of your neighbours."


Jimin looks at the house, the lady is holding books and a lighter. Actually looking like she will burn the books.

"Oh gosh, that woman is crazy!" Jimin is just sad at the sight. The books are just thrown out of the house now, but the boy runs after them no matter what.

Yoongi stops, he looks at the couple, just feeling the bitter emotion, the same from the library.

"have fun Hoseok..." Yoongi forced a smile on his face. Later on just taking all the books as fast as possible and running inside.

"Uhhh....l...let's g..go," Hoseok says a bit shyly after seeing the boy.

"Sure hot stuff," Jimin smirked.

They arrived at a restaurant, that Jimin reserved for 2.

"Anything you want Hobie?"

"Ummm... I don't know....." Hoseok scans the menu again for the 5th time. Soon enough both order some easy meal.

"I never saw the neighbour's before, new?" Jimin asked curiously.


"Whos the boy? He seems to know you"

Hoseok suddenly gets a text message from Yoongi

Sorry for ruining the meet up with your best friend

: Hoseok
It's okay..you didn't ruin anything

"Ah, Yoongi,"

"Who's Yoongi? Do you like him?" Jimin jokingly smirked, hoping it's not true. He's like a high schooler, no way he can love him.

"He's my new neighbour .. Rhe same boy you asked about." Jimin just has a huge felling, one mistake can lose Hoseok.

"Hoseok~ how can you be so charming all the time," Jimin starts to stroke his hand, Hoseok just blushes at the action and takes his hand away slowly.


"Sorry..." Jimin apologized, the thing that saved the awkwardness was the fact that the food is finally served.

"It's okay....I'm just not used to compliments.." Hoseok slowly looks at his food.

"You should because you deserve them
Have a nice meal Hobi~" Jimin smiles and starts to eat his food that's on the plate.

"Thank you... you too~" Hoseok smiles and starts eating with him.

"Do you feel lonely at home? Since...you know..." Jimin holds his hand.


"Why don't you call me? I told you after the funeral to call me when you are lonely.." Jimin reminded of the time. After his parent's death, Jimin did his best to be there for him.

"Yeah...I remember........"

"You know I'm worried... Its something hard to lose someone close, everyone wants the best for you," Jimin tightens the hold.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, call me when you feel lonely, promise?"

"Promise!" Hoseok smiles.

"I guess this is goodbye?"

Hoseok just nods standing there. Jimin looks into his eyes and smiles. The shorter slowly leans in and kisses him softly sending him sweet dreams before leaving to his car.

Hoseok stands there in shock. Soon quickly runs in the house.

"W....what was t...that......."


"I just kissed him STUPID!" Jimin hits his head on the car wheel. Soon he starts to slowly and safely drive home.

I see your home, how was dinner?

: Hoseok
It was okay

Really? By the text, it looks like you didn't quite enjoy it.

: Hoseok

What are you doing now?

: Hoseok
Getting ready to go to bed

I'm sorry Hobi, please don't hate me.

Crying to sleep I guess

: Hoseok
Why? What happened?

I don't know, it is just for some reason
I want to cry
Because something hurts

: Hoseok
You can talk to me about it if you want...
I will listen...

It hurts seeing you with someone

: Hoseok
With someone?


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