3. Howler

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As soon as class ended, both Harry and Draco tried to bolt. Wanting to get as far as possible  from the dark,gloomy potions classroom. Unlucky enough they were stopped, by non other than the greasy haired, gigantic nosed professor.

"Mr. Malfoy, Do stay behind, I simply must have a word with the  you." he drawls out, his coal eyes staring the two first years down intensely while waiting for Harry to retreat. Much to Snape's displeasure Harry stood his ground, not moving an inch from his friends side.

" He can stay uncle. I don't see why he can't " the platinum blonde huffed crossing his arms. The potions master gritted his teeth to hold back a snide comment as he went over to his desk.

" That pathetic excuse for a House is truly doing a number on you and your attitude Draco. Be thankful I intercepted this howler, thinking of what small dignity you have left for being in such a house. It seems it was enough to send your father over the edge and not care about appearances. Otherwise you would have gotten this, this morning "

Draco rolled his eyes while he droned on and on before snatching the letter from Snape. Only for it to immediately open it self, floating into the air. Soon the dark and dangerously cold voice of Lucius Malfoy boomed through the room in a nasty rage.

" How dare you? How bloody dare you Draco Lucius Malfoy, we didn't send you to that bloody school for you to end up in Gryffindor!! Do you you realize what shame you've brought upon this family of nothing but Slytherins!!"

Draco resisted a flinch and instead played it off with an eye roll as he stepped away from the loud hiss of his fathers normally smooth voice."Well I reckon that this won't be the last bloody time I'll shame you. I mean I've got six more years to go" he muttered under his breath

"And you befriended Harry Potter of all bloody people! You do realized who raised that brat right!? Sirius Black- the shameful man who got burned off the family tree for being a disappointment! And that beastly thing he married not only is wretched beast but a man! Do you want to end up like black? Burned off the family tree as well? Because you're off prancing with those pathetic little lions. Get your bloody act together Draco, or else." With that the howler ripped itself into tiny little pieces.

" Well, that was funnnnnn, I'd love to stay and chat more but we have charms and I don't think  Professor Flitwick would take too kindly to us missing his  first class of the year"  the blonde said finally staring at the shredded letter " Let's go Haz."

" Alright " Harry nodded as Draco led the way out.

" You'd be wise to listen to your father, Draco" Snape said after him. Instead of responding he raised his hand flipping him the bird" 10 points from Gryffindor for being crude to a professor"

The Potter heir sighed softly as he walked side by side with his best friend, worried for him" Okay okay, so, what are you going to do for the holidays- more importantly the summer. You can't ju-" the Malfoy cut his friend off with a reassuring grin.

" Don't worry about it, yeah? Let's just worry about being on time for charms," he said hurrying into the harms class room. Sitting down in one of the middle rows with Harry to his left he grinned softly

" We have it with Hufflepuffs and look there's Neville!" Harry said excitedly looking back at his friend only to realize his eyes were locked  with someone with dark brown eyes" Dragon, who's that?" he ask curiously nudging Draco.

" Blaise...Blaise Zabini..." he muttered softly as said boy was coming towards the blonde" You know, red and gold actually suit you Blaise, I expected to see you in green and silver "

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