Down Boy

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The rain pounded harder making it much more difficult to see as it met with the hot ground, fog beginning to roll in. The sun stayed in today, just making the entire day all the drearier. The ground was soaked which made our paws slip in the mud, claws useless against the drenched terrain.  We all raced through the woods, one after another, water spraying across the variety of fur colors.

A long and loud howl that we all recognized made our ears perk and our paws stop in the mud as we tried to spin around. Some slid, not being able to control themselves as we came to a halt. Teeth bared and claws ready, we turned and rushed where the howl had come from, altogether, as one.

A bolt of lightning sent a tree crashing into the saturated earth to the left of us which was followed by a deep roll of thunder. A cry, followed by a few yelps, erupted from the horizon and we all knew we were headed in the right direction.

 Few stopped, never have facing this before, scared of what might happen, but the rest of us continued on. No one stopped to comfort them or get them to keep going, for we had been through this many times before and this wasn’t going to be the last either. They were going to have to get used to it because it was one of those things that never ended, one of those things that never seemed to pass.

Years had gone by and it still continued on, having us all come together to try and finish it off. Just when we thought we had, it’d come back like an infectious disease. Sometimes it came back stronger than before, immune to our tactics.

 Our strong noses picked up on the scents of those who called, leading us in their direction. One by one we swiveled around trees and jumped over piles of branches, trying our hardest to get to the scene as fast as we could. A different howl rung through our ears, making us charge even harder and faster ahead.

“They’re not going to get away with this!” His voice rang through our ears as we all jumped through the shrubbery and into the ring of death. All around we were surrounded, they were outnumbering us as usual. All we could do was try our best, fight harder than we had ever fought before. More poured in just like the rain, forming clumps. Deep growls mixed with rumbles of the sky and before we knew it, one lunged forward.

The first move was made.

The fight had begun and it wasn’t going to be a pretty one.

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