Chapter 11

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"Put me right now down." "No!" I carried her the whole way till to my car and I was amused seeing her like this. Like a little child.
I was finally at the car taking the full attention on us and placed her inside my car. And with time she got finally silence.
"You can be so stubborn." I looked at her and waited till she said her address. "I need your address." She looked at me and knew that it hadn't any point arguing with me. With a very loud in and out breath she told me her address. "That's it." I had a grin on my face and started the engine.
After a while I looked at her, saw how she was looking out of the pane and concentrated back on the traffic. "Life can be this much cruel." I was back looking at her as she was talking to me. Something new that I had to register. "Life can be this much cruel but from the outside you won't even realise that someone is actually is broken." A slight laughter from her and after a while she looked at me with her blood shot red eyes. She got silence again and I drove the car, took a new destination. I drove to a place where she could or would find a way to come out.
I stopped the car on the road side and opened the door. "Come out please." She was looking at me with her big brown eyes. "Please." I showed her my hand and after a decade she placed her hand in mine and came out of the car. We both went for a while and surprisingly he stopped there where I wanted to stop. "Wow... great. I actually wanted to show you this but here we go." I went forward and turned around to her. "Come, this is one of the places where I go if I have something. Problems, stress, etc... You actually know it." I looked at her and saw her looking at the nature. "You can see it all looks so big in front of you but place it somewhere else it will be much smaller. I really don't know what problem you have but I want to help you somehow." She looked at me smiled slightly. "You can't help me." She was about to go but I hold her healthy hand and pulled her to me. "If you allow to help me it will turn out much better." "Leave me Me Laksh Maheshwari." She tried to relieve somehow from my wrist but it was helpless. I was much more stronger. "Listen, I just want to help you." "YOU CANNOT HELP ME!" She pushed me away, looking at me with her red eye by killing my heart. "Okay lets go." In seconds my heart got like a stone, emotionally broken and silence.
I dropped her home and saw a young woman running out of the house screaming her name. She hugged her and I felt that they had a real connection, a bond that no one could describe it. "Ragini?! What... no not Again?!" "Everything fine Geetha. Let's go inside." The girl named Geetha came to me and looked into my eyes having tears, trying to hold it back. She placed both her hands together and looked at me with a saddened smile. "I... I truly thank you for bringing back my Ragini. My sister. Thank you." I just put my hand on hers, separated her hands and looked at her. "No mention... Geetha. Please take care of her. I think I don't have to say it." She smiled and nodded. With these words she went to Ragini and went the way to the big villa, a villa I've never seen before in my lifeline. I looked at her and in the last few seconds I just caught how Ragini looked back to me while going inside her house.

"Laksh! What happened?!" I looked at and tried to console her that nothing happened to me. She looked at me worried as let a tear drop out. "Maa." I wiped her precious tear away and cupped her face. "Nothing happened to, it was a friend of mine who had a little accident. Nothing else." "May Ganesha give the person all the strength." I smiled looking at her and kissed her hand. "I truly hope the same." With these words I stood up and went the stairs up to my room where I could think about her.
I was in the balcony lying in my swing and thought about Ragini or should I say Ragini Gadodia, the tycoon of the fashion industry? What is inside her snatching her happiness and life, like everything? What was happening to her?!
I recalled everything what happened and was actually stunned that she behaved like this. What was the reason? Something happened or her Charakter was like that but... no something happened in her past but what? What exactly?
She would not talk at least normally to me. I had to do something... but what?

"Lalsh?" I was going down the stairs and saw baba sitting there. I went to him and sat on the other side that I could look at him perfectly. "Yes?" "Laksh, I heard something from your mother? What happened yesterday and the day before?" I looked at him and saw how he placed his glasses correctly. "A friend of mine had an accident. I was with her all the time." "Are you sure?" He was observing me and took the cup of coffee. "Yes. Of course baba." "How is she doing?" "Very well." He nodded and stood up. "Take care..." "Baba? Where are the documents?" He looked back to me and put his hand on the forehead. "Beta I forgot it. I will bring it there to the company." "Sure." I smiled and stood up and went to maa where she waited to give me my breakfast.

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