Wedding day
Harry's pov
As I was singing on stage I kept thinking about Skyler... I wondered how she would look. I already told her where we were getting married.
Its almost the end of the show. "Okay Guys we'll be right back!!!" Zayn says and walks off the stage. "Just in a few minutes!!" Niall says. "Get ready to fangirl your asses off!!" Louis laughs. "And Cry!!!" Liam says. I just stand there and rip off my shirt and pants. I was wearing a tux underneath. "Finally!! i feel s little cooler!!' I joke. All the girls gasped and The boys,Gemma,Casey,Rosa,Lupe,Athena,Luke,Calum, Mike, Ash,José, Juana and the pastor came out.
I smiled and waited for the music to play. Here comes the bride started playing. I looked over to the center of the stage. There she was,rising up from the podiums beneath the stage.
She looked beautiful. Liam walked over to her escorting her over to me. Her pretty pink hair held together in a flower head band (like in the cover)
Her eyes fluttered,The sun making her eyes shine brighter. As the pastor talked I looked at Skyler and mouthed "Are you okay?"
She smiled and mouthed "Yes"
it was time to say our vows. "Harry will you like to go first?" He asked. I nodded and pulled out a piece off paper from my pocket. I looked out the crowd. Most of them crying.
" are the most,sweet,hyper,gently and beautiful woman I have ever met. I'd thought there wouldn't be anything between us when I first met you,but then...we had our first kiss,I felt a spark in between us. I'd never thought you would be the one,standing right here at this moment..." I started off. I looked up at Skyler,she was wiping under her eyes. "You understood me,you've been with me through all the rumors,haircuts,Fights, and sad moments of our life together." I felt tears pricking at my eyes. "I still remember how you would pull pranks on me,I don't know what I would do without you...And to this Day,I want to say...I will love you till the day I die.." I finish. I hear sniffing and huffing from all around. "Now Skyler you..." The pastor says. "Okay,Harry,my one and've been the most sweetest,cockiest,guy I've ever met,you make my day better. I just can't imagine my life without you,my life was miserable before you, you lifted me from my depression and held me high,like simba..." she giggled. My eyes filling up with tears. "Harry,I love you,to infinity and beyond...." she ends. We were both in tears.
Skyler's pov
tears streaming down my face...
"If anyone,has any complications with this with married,speak now,or forever hold your peace." the pastor said. My eyes flickered to Luke. After the fight,Luke said he wanted me to be with him again...
Luke gave me a its okay look. I smiled. then the words I've been waiting for finally came.
You may kiss the bride.....
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who would of thought? {H.s}
FanfictionMe....I'm emo I'm full of surprises I'm depressed I fell in love with a guy I hate Me....My name Skyler Jacobs I'm poetic I'm a human I love a Musician Me....I'm 17 I'm a cutter I'm a singer I fell in love with Harry Styles Who would of thought?