Skyler's pov
Tears started streaming down my face. "I'll be there in five minutes" I sniff and Hang up. I rush to my car. "Skyler!!Skyler what's wrong?!?!" Harry asks.
"Casey,a-and m-my m-mom are in acoma!!!" I fall to the ground. I could feel Harry getting more close to me. "I can't lose them!!!" I cry again. "Skyler,let's go to the hospital...." he says and helps me up. "I'll drive" he adds. I rush inside.
"WHERE ARE THEY!!??" I yell. "are you Skyler Jacobs?" the woman behind the desk said. "Yes!!where's my sister and mom!?!?" I ask again. "Room 314"
I looked for the room finally I found it. I ran inside. Casey having a broken leg,cuts all over her arms and face. My mom having a broken leg,and neck...
I fell to the ground. My heart couldn't take this pain. I couldn't breathe. "Skyler,Calm down!!" Harry picks me up. He carries me bridal style to the little couch in there. "H-harry w-hat if they d-don't make i-it?!?!" I whimper.
"shhhh...there going to make it...its okay baby..." he says. His arms wrap around my body,I bury my head in his chest.
Harry's pov
I can't believe it.....Casey and Her mom were in acoma....I felt Skyler's tears hit my shirt. She stopped sniffing. I moved her head a little,she was asleep;makeup smeared on her face.
A knock was heard. "Come in" I whisper yell.
The doctor came in,and told me what happened. I felt myself about to tear up. They got into a car wreck,a drunk driver hit them.
I let some tears fall...
"They might not make it" the doctor says. My tears increased there speed. He left the room, the sounds of my whimpers filling the room.
"Hmmm?" I heard a girl say. My vision clogged up with tears. "Harry is that you?" it was Casey. I rubbed the tears away,Casey's upper body sitting up. I gently placed Skyler on the couch.
"CASEY!" I whisper yell. I ran over to her and gently hug her. I kissed her cheek. "Oh my gosh!!!"
"Harry,what happened?" She asked.
I told her the whole story. "where's Skyler?",she asks. I point to the couch, Skyler fast asleep. "So has it happened yet?" she asks me. "has what happened yet?"
"did you two get together again?"
"um not really."
"I really want you two together"
"Harry?" Skyler says. I look over at her,"Casey!!!!" she yells and rushes to Casey's bed and hugs her.
"Hi!!" Casey giggles.
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who would of thought? {H.s}
FanficMe....I'm emo I'm full of surprises I'm depressed I fell in love with a guy I hate Me....My name Skyler Jacobs I'm poetic I'm a human I love a Musician Me....I'm 17 I'm a cutter I'm a singer I fell in love with Harry Styles Who would of thought?