Chapter One

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Note: This whole fic, I think the whole thing, is from the perspective of Alfie Deyes.

"Hey guys so I'm editing the vlog at the moment but I realise that the last clip was we were all sitting down for dinner with Tanya and Jim. We played a couple games afterwards but we were just having so much fun and I forgot to vlog and then end the vlog. This is your goodnight, even though it's like 3 in the afternoon, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodbye." I wave and that's where the vlog ends -for the viewers at least.

I didn't lie to my viewers, I could never, but I didn't exactly tell them the whole truth -granted I couldn't exactly do that either.

You see, one of the games that Zoe and I played with Tanya and Jim was a new game I came up with. The name is a work in progress but essentially it's a betting game.

Joe and Caspar, both dear friends of all of us, are hopelessly in love. The problem here is that they won't admit that to one another, but it's only a matter of time.

The game is a betting game between all of our friends on who we think will make the first move/confession of love on the other. It's simple, there's a line with Joe's head at one end and Caspar's at the other. In the middle is a marker, in the shape of a heart, that can be moved in either direction. Each player in the game has one bet/token/chip (they're not physically real though) and for every bet of 1 placed on a person the marker moves one space toward the person deemed most likely to make the first move.

At the end of the night the tallies were in favour of Joe to make the first move. Jim and I both said there's no way Caspar would do it, Tanya said she didn't think Joe would do it and Zoe was undecided. She basically didn't think either of them would do it, not anytime soon at least.

Bets Accrued
Joe: 2
Caspar: 1

Markers Place: one increment toward Joe

A/N: I know I'm a disappointment but hello. All of the chapters will be short, I'll aim for weekly updates. Please vote, comment and share that would be wonderful.

Twitter: Grace_Williams
Ao3: Grace_Williams

You all look stunning princes, princesses and non-binary royals :)))

-Grace Williams xo

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