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  • Dedicated to J.K. Rowling

Hermione has almost given up on Ron. This was the last straw. How could she have been so blind? Ron never even liked her in the first place. He was the one that made her run to the bathroom in tears way back in their first year. Harry was the one who was worried enough to come running to her rescue when he found out about the troll on the loose. Ron only came with because he had nothing better to do.

And in her second year, when she got frozen by the basilisk, did Ron visit her? No. He wasn't even slightly worried. In fact, he was even glad that she wasn't there to nag them. Sure, he acted all happy and great when she was woken up and was able to leave the infirmary, but Hermione could tell that he could really care less. The only people who visited her were Harry, Ginny, and Fred. Fred visited her even more than Ginny, which she was mildly surprised about. He even visited her as much as Harry did.

Then last year, when she and Harry saved Sirius from being given the Dementor's kiss, where was Ron? In the infirmary with a broken leg. In fact, it was his stupid rat that caused the whole thing. And afterwards, Fred was the one who met with her in private, knowing how much she hated attention, and asked her if she was alright. Everyone else just kept on asking, though she many times said that she was fine. Fred however just smiled and said if she ever needed to talk, he was there. After that, they had become closer and they were now best friends, even closer than her and Harry. She had even developed feelings for the older boy, though she repressed them because of her attraction to Ron. Now though, she wasn't so sure she liked Ron, even as a friend, anymore.

Now, her fourth year, when she went to the Yule Ball as Viktor's date, Ron had the nerve to be mad at her for "fraternizing with the enemy"! The only reason she went with Viktor at all was because Ron didn't ask her! Now she was running out of the ballroom crying her eyes out, looking for a closet or empty classroom to completely break down.

Soon, she stopped running because her feet were starting to hurt and she was running out of breath. 'Stupid heels' Hermione thought. When she stopped running, she thought she had heard some footsteps, but she decided that they were just her imagination when she peered behind her and saw nothing. She looked around at her surroundings, and realised that she was in front of the Room of Requirement. Thinking her need, she walked in front of the doorway three times. A door appeared, and she walked through it. When she had thought about what she needed in front of the room, she couldn't put it into words so she had just conveyed her feelings and emotions.

The room had formed a small, cozy room with a bed, couch, fireplace, and bookshelves all around. The room was decorated in Griffindor colors, of course. Next to the couch was a small table with a box of tissues on it. Hermione smiled slightly. This was exactly what she needed. Books, tissues, and a good night's sleep. To her delightful surprise, there was even comfy pajamas laying folded on the bed!

"Hermione?" She heard a quiet voice ask.

Startled, she looked around for the source of the noise. Sitting on the couch was none other than Fred. She breathed out a sigh of relief. Looking closer, she realised that his dress robes were wrinkled and his hair was messy from running his hands through it.

"Oh, it's just you Fred. What brings you here?" She asked, slightly worried about her best friend.

He chuckles softly. "I could ask you the same thing, Hermione," he says. His face becomes worried. "Speaking of which, have you been crying?" he says walking closer to her.

She sighs, then replies, "Yeah. Ron is upset because Viktor is, or I should say was, my date tonight at the ball before I ran out. He said that I was a traitor for "fraternizing with the enemy", as he put it. And I'm not dating Viktor, I don't even like him! The only reason I went was because no one else asked me!" By now, Hermione was crying again.

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