Riktor: Explained

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Ron stormed out of the Great Hall in a rage.  How could she do this to him?!?  He thought that he had been perfectly clear about his feelings on the subject matter.  Don't go after Viktur Krum, he's mine.  He thought that all those hints about his more-than-platonic-feelings for the older seeker were perfectly clear.  Apparently not. 

    Ron had been infatuated with the Bulgarian Quidditch player for years.  At first it was just plain admiration for the way he played Ron's favorite sport.  It was hard for him to pinpoint the exact turn in his feelings from platonic to romantic, but it had happened.  His admiration had morphed into curiosity, his curiosity into obsession,his obsession into devotion, and his devotion into infatuation.  Orat least, something like that.  Ron was fuzzy on the details. 

    Contrary to popular belief, Ron was actually quite smart,emotionally anyways.  Academically?  Not so much.  He did pridehimself on how intune with his feelings he was.  He knew that what hefelt for Viktur was infatuation.  But how to tell his friends?  Hecould just tell them outright that he was a) gay and 2) infatuatedwith one of the wizarding world's most famous seeker.  Of course, heknew that his friends would be supportive of him no matter what. That wasn't the problem.  The problem was that that was too easy.  Hewanted to scheme.  It was more fun that way. 

    He had come up with a brilliant plan.  Seduce Viktur while he wasat Hogwarts, and show him off to his friends as his boyfriend.  Itwas excellent!  Until Hermione wrecked it all by saying yes to himwhen Viktur asked her to go to the ball with him.  It was rightbefore he was going to put his moves on Viktur too!  Ugh.

    Soon after Ron left the great hall, he came across the veryperson he was thinking about.  'Perfect'Ron thought to himself.  It was Viktur Krum himself.

    "Hey there Vickie-Wickie!  RonWeasley's the name, taking you out's the game.  What do you say weditch our dates and head back in there to dance ;)?" said Ron whilecasually leaning against the wall and pointing at the Great Hallbehind him.

    Viktur had the mixed expression ofbeing turned on, but he was also utterly and completely confused. "Did you say that your surname was Weasley?" he asked Ron.

    "Indeed I did Babe.  Maybe it can beyours someday too Sweetcheeks ;)."  Ron said this while stillleaning against the wall (though he was slowly but surely almostslipping off it) and winked theatrically at the end.

    Viktur adopted an amused expression onhis face.  "My roommate Draco Malfoy talks about you quite a bit,but not as much as Harry Potter.  All I hear is 'Potter this' andPotter that'.  It's quite hilarious really.  Especially consideringDraco's obnoxiously obvious attraction to Potter."

    Ron abruptly stood up straight andstopped leaning against the wall.  "Did you say that Malfoy has acrush on Harry?"  Ron asked urgently.

    "Why yes, I did," Viktur replied,confused at Ron's sudden change in mood.  He went from flirting hisass off (rather badly, too) to possibly being a homicidal maniac.  Itwas all in the eyes, Viktur decided. 

    "YES!  Hermione sooo owes me 5galleons.  I knew he liked Harry!"  Ron said this whiledoing a victory dance that included, but was not limited to, jumpingup and down, doing the macarena, and singing that song that Dory sangduring Finding Nemowhen they got the glow fish thingy stuck in the goggles. 

    IfViktur was completely and utterly confused before, it didn't evencompare to his level of confusion then. 

    Ronmust've caught on to the fact that he was looking (and acting) crazy,because he suddenly stopped dancing and took the time to explain. "Hermione and I had a bet that Draco liked Harry."

    "Buthow did you figure it out?" asked Viktur.

    "Awoman just knows," said Ron whilst looking off into the distancedramatically.

    "Butyou're not a woman. . . " Viktur replied.

    "SOWHAT!" Ron snapped at Viktur.  He shook his head.  "Wow we gotway off track there.  My point is that I like you and I think weshould go make out somewhere."  Ha!  That should teach Hermione tosteal from me. . . yeah I know she wasn't technically stealing butstill.

    "Whatabout our dates?"  Viktur asked.

    Ronput on his famous Weasley charm once more.  "Aw, babe, don't belike that.  Our dates have obviously ditched us, what's the harm ifwe ditch them?" Ron asked while, again, winking quite theatrically. Viktur made a mental note to teach him how to properly flirt at somepoint.

    "Youdon't even know if I'm gay. . . I might just be metrosexual,"Viktur sniffed.  Hey, if Ron got to be theatrical then Viktur toldthe author that he wanted to be to.

    "Nah,you'd be ubersexual.  You're too masculine to be metro," repliedRon knowingly.

    Viktursighed.  "Fine.  You're lucky that I'm bisexual and that I likeyou," he replied to Ron.

    "IKNEW IT!  GINNY OWES ME A GALLEON!" Ron shouted while doing hisvictory dance again.

    Vikturjust stood there for a second in complete confusion, looking at thecamera, while Ron did a back flip of off the wall and landed in thesplits.

    Onceagain, Ron felt obliged to explain.  "I kind of stalk you on socialmedia. . . and write headcanons about you on tumblr. . . and piecedtogether from all of your interviews on WizardTube that you'rebisexual. . . and bet with my little sister on it?  Suprise?"

    Vikturpinched the bridge of his nose.  "I should've known you were afangirl."

    "Youknow it baby ;)" Ron said.

    Viktursighed once again.  "I suppose you're wondering why I like you ofall people?"

    "Youlike me?" Ron asked as a bright magenta blush started to bloom onhis face.

    Viktursupposed that he had been too caught up on the "I'm bisexual" bitto hear him.  "Yes, I like you.  Malfoy has told me so many thingsabout you and your friends that I couldn't help but be intrigued."

    "Waitwait wait wait da fudge up.  You actually like me?" Ron asked asViktur started walking slowly towards him.  "Wait again please.  Iknow where this is going (I've read too many fanfictions to not knowtbh), and I also know that right outside the great hall is definitelynot the place I want it too happen." Ron said to Viktur.

    Vikturrolled his eyes.  "Fine.  I know a shortcut route to the Gryffindorcommon room that we could use?  No one else ever does, except forred-head twins," he said, muttering the last part.

    "What?"Ron asked.

    "Ohnothing.  Let's get going."

    Withthat the pair marched down the hallways of Hogwarts to theirdestination.  It wasn't long before Viktur suddenly grabbed Ron andpulled him past a Portrait of Dumbledore that winked at him.  Theywere finally alone.  Suddenly, Ron heard footsteps.  He sushed Vikturand listened carefully.  It was Hermione and Fred!  So that's whereshe went. . . he shrugged.  It wasn't ideal for her to be dating hisolder brother, but it was better than somebody else, like hisVickie-Wickie.  Suddenly, he had a great idea.  It was the perfectrevenge.

    "Quick,pin me against the wall and make out with me!" he urgently said toViktur.

    "Withpleasure," growled Viktur.  With that said, Viktur grabbed Ron'shands and held them against the wall.  At the same time, he pressedtheir lips together.

    Honestly,it was nothing like the fanfictions Ron had read.  Viktur didn't'slam' his lips against the younger boy's, it was more of a 'roughlypressed'.  He made the mental note to change that phrase in all ofhis works.

    Theyheard the footsteps stop and two gasps.  One masculine, the otherfeminine.  Ron deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into theother boy's mouth. 

    Theystood there for a few more minutes until Viktur decided enough wasenough.  They broke apart to go their seperate ways.  Viktur calledout, "And don't forget to write! ;)" Ron would have to talk tothe author about that.  Adding emoji winks at the end of sentinceswas histhing!  He would also have to talk to Harry about Draco's undyinglove for him. . .

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