The Things About Her

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Seventeen year old Chad Nichols sits in the interrogation room with the accusations facing him dead on. Something is ironic about this whole scandal.

"How long have you known Ellen?" J.J. questions.

"I have no idea. Maybe two years or so," He replies.

"How long were you two in a relationship?" She asks.

"Maybe six months," he says, "Look, I have not had any communications with Ellen since then. No Facebook or text messages have been passed between us since we broke up."

"Alright," she says, "Did you make any claims about wanting to harm her or her family? Even in a joking way?"

Reid is watching the whole conversation intently from the other side of the window. Morgan joins him and asks,"How is going?"

He hushes Morgan and turns his attention back on the conversation.

"Never, never would I say those things. I respected her whole family," Chad says. For someone who may be convicted for crimes he did not commit, he is relaxed.

"What makes Miss Roschter think that in the first place then?" She ask.

He look her directly in the eyes and says, "I know something about Ellen that most others do not." He pauses before saying, "Her relationship with her family and friends are not stable ones."

"What are you trying to say here?" she asks.

"Ellen is a manipulator, a severe one at that."


"She pressures people into doing things. She dresses procactively. She does all things to get her way. If she does not get her way, then she becomes violent."

Reid spins away from the glass and hovers over a desk. He balances himself on his arms.

"Reid, are you okay?" Morgan asks.

He struggles to swallow. "Yeah," he whispers, "I am fine."

"You do not look so well. Was it something that kid said?" Morgan asks and folds his arms over his chest.

He shakes his head. He tries the best he can to listen to the rest of the session.

"What actions does she take?" She asks.

"She makes threats, or at one time she would abuse me or her friends either verbally or physical," he says. His eyes wear a pained expression on them. His mouth is tight when he is not talking. He trembles with each word.

"I think that you have provided enough for us to have another interview with Ellen," she says and rises from her seat. "Agent Morgan or Dr. Reid will lead you out." She walks over to the door and opens it, "Thank you for cooperation."

Chad nods and his eyes meet Reid's. In a trance, their stares mean something. "Is he Dr. Reid over there?"

"Yes, he is," J.J. says as she closes the door behind them.

"I forgot something, sorry. Ellen did send me a few messages in the last few days. I did not look at them at first. For some reason," he stops to think, "I glanced them over this morning to see if they were serious or the regular crazy ones from when we were together. That man over there looks exactly like she described him."

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