Danger Ahead

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Reid goes for his last nail and begins to nervously gnaw on it. Hotch pulls the steaming mug of coffee from under the brewer and picks up the other one. His eyes are thin slints of concentrated anger on Reid. His tongues edges the corner of his mouth, thinking. He stands over him and stares at him hard for a minute or two. He places the coffee in front of Reid and jerks his hand back. He turns his face away when Reid's innocent eyes look up at him.

"Tell me," Hotch begins, "Tell me everything and yesterday."

Reid genorously takes a sip of his burning coffee. He draws it close to him and crosses his leg over his right in a half cross. He rocks gently in the desk chair and collects his thoughts. He takes a deep breath. "Where should I start?" He states.

"Damn it, Reid. I am in no mood for this!" Hotch snaps.

He gulps and tells Hotch everything that happened everytime he encountered Ellen. He went into detail about every advance she made and how he denied them. However, he leaves out his internal struggle over her. It is not that he does not like her, but he does. Lately, he has been battling the desire to want to step over the line and be no more than just a friend. With the new evidence about her out in the open, he is not so sure of anything anymore.

"She tried to kiss you yesterday?" Hotch inquires and his eyebrows fold over his eyes.

"Yes, and I backed away from that too," he says defensively. "I backed away when she tried to grab me."

"How are you not so sure she is just playing around?" Hotch says," I am curious to know what this girl is really like an what makes her so infatuated with you."

"So do I..." He drifts. After a slightly pause, he says, "I am not that attractive either, nor do I set the moves on others."

"It may not be that," Hotch interjects, "She may have something psychological going on. Her last boyfriend was seventeen. The one before that was almost twenty."

Reid folds his lips in concentration. He read in a book somewhere about women having a desire for men at a certain age. "I am almost thirty five years old and at the peak of my career. How can she not see that?"

"She may only see you as an older man," Hotch testifies.

"Some young women go after older men for their money most of the time. Sometimes, they enjoy the security and comfort that they bring with them," he begins says and starts to ramble on about the psychology behind it all. He talks with few breaks for almost half an hour until someone walks in.

"Are you two done in here?" J.J. asks from the doorway.

"Yeah, almost," Hotch says and drinks the last of his coffee.

She leans in more and says, "Alright. Morgan told me to tell Reid that as soon as this is over to go have a talk with him in the parking lot."

Reid nods and says, "Thank you."

The door closes and the air in the room becomes awkwardly stiff once again. Hotch rises and says, "Thank you for being honest, Spencer."

"Always," he says and hands his cup back to Hotch to clean. "I will see you later." He gets up and looks back at Hotch one last time before leaving. He closes the door softly behind him and walks down the hall with his hands in pocket and a grin on his face.

Once in the parking lot, Reid slips on his sunglasses to protect his eyes from the irregularly bright sun. He spots Morgan's sleek black Chevy near the back. The car door opens and he says, "So you wanted to see me."

She emerges from the car and gives him her soft but demanding eyes.

"Ellen?!" He exclaims and looks around for Morgan or someone behind this joke.

She steps forward and says through gritted teeth, "How dare you try to step back from me yesterday. I thought you were there for me."

"I am, but not in that way that you think," He says in his defense. He holds his hands up for her to stop.

"You are not getting away from me this time. I need you so bad right now that it is hurting," she says. Her words are so sharp that they could cut anyone but him. He knows he is stronger than that.

"You have to understand. This is not who I am." He says quickly but she cuts him off.

"I cannot let anything else stand in our way," she cries out. "You are mine. You are meant for me."

He turns to run away but is not quick enough. She delivers a thick blow to the back of his head. For a teenage girl, she has some masculine strength about her. His visions shifts to a blur as he stumbles. She repeats her punch but with more power this time. She hits him hard enough to knock him unconsciece for a while.

Criminal Minds FanFic- Dr. Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now