The Unsub Is Discovered

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Agent Morgan tosses the yellow packet on the table in front of Hotch and JJ. Prentiss jumps at the coffee bar and turns her eyes to look at the flustered Morgan. His arms are folded tight over his chest, and his dark eyebrows are folded over his brown eyes.

"Open it," Morgan says firmly. His voice is stable, not quivered by the evidence inside.

Hotch raises his brow and slips the files from the packaging.

"Hotch, can you believe this?" JJ whispers to herself. Her injured wrist tingles. Something feels strange about all this.

"Emily Roshters DNA was found on her parents bodies," Morgan begins. "The murder weapon was found five miles from their home buried in the brush and corn."

"Her DNA was on it as well.." Hotch says monotone.

"We can only think of what this girl is capable of doing after what we've seen," JJ says.

Morgan's phone buzzes and he answers, "Yes, baby girl?"

"No time for this, but thank you," Garcia says.

"Talk to me," Morgan says and drops his chin down while he listens to her.

"So, the police have just received a tip from someone that they have spotted a blonde girl on the outskirts on Highway 117. She had someone drawn close to her walking beside her."

"Alright, thanks for that," Morgan says and ends the call. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and says, "It's time to finish this profile and deliver it."

"I'm on it," JJ says and immediately gets up walk up to the profiling board. "Reid is important to all of us," she thinks to herself.


"Okay, let's cross," Ellen whispers. Her breath is visible in the chilling night air. She drags Reid across the highway and into the camoflauging brush on the other side. Night is coming in sooner than expected. She has to find a place to hide for the night. She pulls him over the thick grass to the edge of the forest.

"This should do for tonight," she says quietly. She drops her bags and falls to her knees.

He feels the steel cuff dig deeper into his hand. He cringes at the sting. His head rest against the tuff earth.

"I'm not hungry. Let's go to bed," She says and averts her gaze up at him. Her eyes are even darker in the moonless night. An eerie silence follows in the silent winter night.

He lies down on the ground and feels the great comfort of finally stopping. He is startled when a body furrows against his. She snuggles against him, "The thing I have waited so long for. See, a cold night needs your warmth," she says and buries her head into his chest. "I'm so glad I dressed you in a sweater this morning.

He gulps, the Adam's apple in his throat bobbles up and down. He has to stay awake long enough for her to fall asleep. He has to get out of this before she tries to do something else. The only thing worse than being kidnapped was being kidnapped and having the thought of a set up rape hanging over his head. If Ellen did try to do somethig, she is clever enough to frame him. No. He has to get out.

Criminal Minds FanFic- Dr. Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now