Smells like Posies and Chemicals

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A pacifist. Quite the shame.

Wingdings raised a hand, summoning his first attack, mind racing. It'd been ages since the last human had fallen down--he didn't even know if he could beat them, if he were honest. Frisk was human, after all; they had their overpowering will to live on their side...

Well, no need to worry about it, he told himself, shaking his head. Might as well get an attack in, while he still had the chance.

Frisk gasped when something whipped past their cheek, jumping out of the way just in time to dodge the remaining array of syringes coming their way. Needles? They thought, but decided not to worry about it.

Instead, they checked the small monster, reading to themselves:

WING.D. -- ATK 6 DEF 3

He's sweating. He seems nervous about something...

Frisk noticed just that, seeing how the next attack missed them by almost an arm's length. They saw how the monster's expression twisted into something painful, and again, they pushed their [ACT] button.

They signed, 'Don't have to fight! Just want to help!'


Why won't he listen to me? Frisk wondered, eyes widening as their soul turned black. They felt the world around them shift and turn, until they were standing on the ceiling. Magic built up underneath their feet, and on reflex they jumped up, dodging—




Frisk fell to the floor, the attack draining away to shock. They sat up with a groan, rubbing their head.

Wingdings stared at his hands, confusion flickering across his face. Where did that come from?

His thoughts were cut short as the blur of movement in front of him advanced, the human pushing themselves up to stand, stepping forward.


They stated signing, 'No need to fight. Everything is okay. You're--'

They were flung against the wall, gravity shifting before they could comprehend what was happening. Their HP dropped.

20 – 14

"No need to fight?" Though static drowned out his words, Frisk could grasp a faint idea of what the monster was saying, based on his stance. "What are you talking about? Any human who falls down here...we have to fight you!"


'I don't know what you're saying,' Frisk admitted. 'But really, I won't hurt you--nobody will. Calm down.'


The room splattered with red and black, coloring the dull surroundings with a dangerous mixture of magic and blood. Frisk ran down the length of the wall, a scream tearing from their throat as needles and scalpels twice their size stabbed at the wall behind them.

The look on the young monster's face hardened; his earlier nerves gone. Nothing remained but a cold, almost bored mask.


Frisk checked the monster again, feverish:

WING.D. -- ATK 8 DEF 1

Looks like talking isn't going to get through to him.

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