The Party

550 21 145

Michael's POV

9:00 am 

I picked up my phone. There wasn't always the best reception down here in the basement, but the couch was comfortable to sleep on. There was a text from Jeremy.

J: My place @ 2?

That's right.. I finally got to hang out with Jeremy! No Christine, no Jake, no Rich, just me and Jeremy. I quite liked that idea actually. Just me and him. Alone. 

I shook my head. Of course I like that idea, he's my best friend. Nothing more. There was no crush, there was no love.. there was only.. friendship. I sighed at the thought of it. It's not that I had a crush on my best friend, but I most certainty wouldn't mind dating him.. No. He's my friend. I can't think like that. I just have to survive another 5 hours, then it would me, him, and a video game. 

I headed over to the stairs, but paused. I listened carefully, I hated walking in when my parents were fighting. I had gotten stuck in the cross fire once and got hit in the head with a beer bottle. I had to get stitches. It was quiet though, so I made my way upstairs. 

Opening the fridge, I saw the usual. Beer, beer, and more beer. I shoved aside the bottles to look for something to eat. Old cheese and a head of lettuce. I moved onto the pantry. There was a loaf of bread,  crackers, a couple bags of who knows what, and an assortment of ramen noodles. I stuck some bread into the toaster.   

I heard footsteps. "It's just me, Michael."

A sigh of relief washed over me. "Hey mom." I murmured. 

She was in her work outfit, black pants and a shirt with the restaurants logo on it. Her dark hair was in a low ponytail, giving her that 'just got out of bed look'. My mom never wore much makeup, but she didn't need it. On work days she wore eyeliner and the occasional lipstick, but that was it. Today was a lipstick day.  

"I'm going over to Jeremy's today." 

"Oh that's great, I'm happy you two aren't letting Christine in the way of your friendship." She said as she prepared herself a cup of coffee

"Yeah, I have to drop him off at a party too." I said pulling my toast out of the toaster.

"You don't want to go?" My mom said as she poured the coffee into her to-go cup. 

"No, parties with Jeremy aren't my thing."

She added creamer. "Oh come Mikey, that was one time. And he was being brainwashed or whatever." 

"I know, I just.. still." I added butter to my toast.

"Well you have fun today okay? Your dad probably won't be back until tomorrow morning-"

"Did he go on another drinking spree at some run down bar?" I interrupted. 


"You know it's true! Why are you still with him anyways.." I trailed off, taking a bite of toast.

She sighed. "We've had this conversation before."

"But you never answer my question! Why are you still with him?! All he does is drink! It's not like he does anything around here."

She closed the lid of her cup and placed it down on the counter. She sighed. "You'll understand when your older. Just follow the rules, get out when he's here okay?"

"But I am older goddammit!"

"Michael! Language!"

"Why. Are. You. Still. With. Him?"

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