Chapter 3: It's Wonderful to Follow your Dreams; Unless it Isn't.

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PETER opened the library door just as the sun gleamed over Scott and Margie Peak. Jess was already there, head on table, drool on sleeve.

"Good morning, Ms. Whitmore," Peter said in his best library voice.

"Good morning, Peter. I have some good news."

"What's that?"

"They've reinstated the bus program. You'll be going back to Ely today. Oh, now, why the sad face?"

Peter shrugged.

"Peter," Ms. Whitmore said," why are you upset?"

"I'm not into all those people. I didn't fit in."

"It's OK.

"I'm not ready. Does Jess know?"

"Looks like he took it well," said Ms. Whitmore. I'm sorry about the short notice, but that's the district for you.



Peter and Jesse piled into the bus with the rest of the high school class. There was plenty of room to spare.

They sat together only a few seats behind the bus driver.

Peter was silent for the first part of the drive. He watched the brush pass by out the window.

Peter watched houses give way to trailers which gave way to empty lots which gave way to desert. Peter was already bored, and there was an hour of bus ride ahead of him.

He looked over at Jess, who looked like he was deep into a magazine but a little snore have him away. He nudged Jess. "Psst. Jess"

"Hmm?" Jess rubbed his eyes. "Can't a guy get a nap?"

"Sorry. I had the dream again."


"So, I remember."

Jesse sat up. "Holy wake up call, batman! Dude, tell."

"It's not much, just I'm like a spider."


"But I have too many legs. Our I don't have legs, I'm not sure."

"But, you remember"

"Yea, mostly. I mean I was huge- bigger than stars. Remember when we learned that astronomy with Ms. Whitmore?"


"It was like that cluster of stars- all around but more. I saw colors that you can't see."


"And I remember them. I just can't describe them."


"And there were these spider web things."

"Space spiders!"


"Oh, sorry."

"Look. There's more and it's freaky."


"I woke up and I was looking around on the mountain... Peter stopped speaking."

"Hey, Peter. You ok?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"So, what was freaky?"

Peter opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His cheeks felt hot.


"Nothing. I'm not feeling well. I'm OK. There wasn't anything really freaky. Just strange."

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