Chapter 7: A Lonely Road

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"They cannot scare me with their empty spaces

Between stars--on stars where no human race is.

I have it in me so much nearer home

To scare myself with my own desert places." -- Robert Frost

NOT even the sound of crickets.

Lydia's steps were silent on the asphalt. The night air didn't carry the rumble of distant cars. No animals howled. There were no street lamps visible in the distance. Her breaths were the only wind.

She walked with her eyes closed. She never strayed from the middle of the road. Once in a great while, she looked up. And, each time, she stood agape at the river of stars that seemed to lead her onward. Her eyes hurt, filling up with tears until she couldn't stand it. She closed her eyes and walked.


It was several hours since she last looked at the sky. The black of her eyelids turned a faint blue-red. Lydia could feel the slight cooling of a tiny breeze. She stopped walking and opened her eyes. A dingy blue desert.

Lydia walked to the side of the road. She put her backpack down and stretched her arms. She waited.

Then, just at the edge of hearing, was the grumbling engine of a truck. She waited. The sound defined itself as it grew. The squealing music of truck breaks joined the engine and stopped in front of Lydia.

She picked up her backpack and walked up to the massive cab.

The door opened and a beard popped out. "You looking for a ride, miss?"

Lydia nodded.

"Well, hop aboard then."

"Thank you."

The semi-truck drove on.

"So, where're you headed?"


"Salt Lake?"


"Well, I can get you as far as Ely, but I'm going down 6 after."

"That'll be good. I appreciate the ride."

"Don't mention it. Do you hitchhike a lot?"


"You aren't scared of some machete wielding lunatic?"

"I've had to deal with a machete wielding lunatic before, so I'm fine."

"Okidoke. Hey, go behind the seat and open the cooler. Grab me a sodapop, would ya? And help yourself to one. Gotta keep hydrated in this heat."

Lydia noticed the driver give her a glance as she dug behind her seat.

The semi wound its way through mountain passes and flat valleys. The driver emptied his can and tossed it into a trash bag.

"Miss, something's troubling me. What were you doing out in the middle of nowhere? Highway 50's got to be one of the worst places I can imagine to hitchhike."

"Oh, I'm used to it. I've been in the desert lots of times. I pack well and I'm OK."

"You at least have a cell?"

"Sure." Lydia fingered the battery in her pocket.

"Do you know if it's going to work out here? There are plenty of places it won't."

"It works most places out here."

"You know, there are plenty of places, right up ahead there's one that doesn't let in anything. It's the mountains. So isolated. Few years back, a couple of Burners ran out of gas. Found 'em dead a mile from their car."

"The heat?"

"That, and snakebite."



"Yea. Wild animals aren't the only animals around here. You wanna test your cell? I bet ya you won't get a signal. Get stuck out here, and there's no help." The driver grinned a little.

Lydia inched toward the door.

"There's Ely now! Give me an hour, and I'll have you in a good situation."

The truck pulled into a truck stop. Lydia saw only a couple other trucks parked.

"It's kinda out of the way," said the driver. "There's usually not that much traffic. It's a good place to eat and rest and take a shower if you'd like. It costs though. You got cash on you?"

"I have enough."

"Good. Half the time, the card readers aren't working here. Showers only take quarters anyway."

The driver led the way to a large building in the center of the parking lot. A synthesizer doorbell sounded when they entered.

"Cher. Cher! Can't hear a damn thing."

"I'm coming. I'm coming." A woman dressed like a diner watress walked over from a gift shop. "Oh, Peg-leg, how're you today?"

"Fine. You think you can fix up my friend here?"

Cher looked at Lydia. "Carl. Really?

"No. It's not like that."

"Your reputation says otherwise."

"C'mon Cher."

"Oh alright. You know I'm just joshin' ya."

"Thanks Cher. I have to leave soon, so I'm getting some shut-eye."

"Night night Peg-leg."

The synthesizer bell sounded as the door closed behind Carl.

"What's your name, Miss? Miss? Your name."

"Oh. Sorry. Ly- Lucy. I was just wondering if he's missing a leg."

"No. Nothing that straight forward. Pegleg got his name cause he has a certain way of impressing the ladies."

"I don't get it."

"Better left unsaid."

"He's old."

"Hasn't stopped him before. He went to Burning Man last year with a girl and came back with three. They didn't look much older than you."

Lydia tried to say something but just shook her head.

"Yep," said Cher. "Now that you know a bit more about the man's character, why don't we get you something to eat."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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