Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Continue Tamara)

After trying to figuring out this person motive, our genius colleagues figure it out. We started digging into that have witnessed a robbery and a guy stood out because he hid and was the only when to survive. It was a massacre bank robbery in the late seventies. Imagine being nine and watching everyone get slaughter like animals. We checked his financial aid the missing money from the banks were in his account. Not too mention he was paying off student loans, IRS, and to top it off one of his siblings had major surgery a few weeks ago and her medical bills were all paid off. We went to his house to arrest him and he started shooting through the door. We ducked for cover then we seen him climbing out his window, shooting at us and going to the roof. That's when the new girl shot him in the center of his buttock. We couldn't help but laugh then she put the cuffs in him. Once back at headquarters he gave her a full confession on why he did it and after that I told her good work and welcome her to the team. We shuck hands and then I went to my office to get started on the paper work. After I was done I went home to my wife who already had cooked us dinner. She was playing video games and I grabbed my plate of food and sat down next to her. After she was done with her game we talked about our day and that ended up turning into a make out session with her on top of me. She stuck her hands in my pants and fingered me until my leg twitched. After that I returned the favor then we both fell asleep.



I was playing with a aerobics cube as I sat my desk. It was a rather slow morning. I usually get my paper work done in the first half hour or so. As I was sitting there the new girl came in. I been in love the moment I seen her walk in Tamara office for a interview. But there's no dating on the job so. Anyways she sat down at her desk in front of me and continued to fix it up. I seen she put a beautiful flower on her desk and then I gave her a fun history lesson about it. She made a fun history joke about flowers and Mike called us nerds. That's when Tamara came and approached us and dropped a sack of papers on the new girl desk.

Tiresha: What's all these files

Tamara: The forty victims your father killed but the six on top are our latest crime scenes

Tiresha: My father found God in prison not to mention he's been locked up

Tamara: Exactly........we've have a copycat, the six folders on top are cold cases from five months ago, I could never put two and two together until you mentioned your father to me yesterday and I had Emma do some digging

Tiresha: So what am I supposed to do

Tamara: Come up with a profile and see how these crimes are different and I know you were young when he did this but try and remember who else knew specific details about the case besides you and your dad

After that she got to work. I offered to help her but Tamara told me she needs me in her office to kill a spider. I tried telling her the history about spiders but she shut me down before I could even finish my sentence.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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