Why that reaction?

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Oliver gets off his bus with one of his teammates

"Ugh. This team is so good!! We're gonna lose!"

"Don't be so down Oliver. We're gonna try, ok?"

"Yeah..Watch me break my body.."

"Speaking of body, you have a girlfriend?"

"No. Not interested in a relationship yet."

"Dude get ready for one! All the girls here are hot! Wait..Have you lost it yet?"

"Lost what--Oh wait..No I haven't.."

"Dude! Everyone in our school has!!!!"

"Peer pressure much---"\

Oliver looks up and sees Dylan waiting for him

"Who's that??? He's so sexy!!!"

"That'd be my friend.."

Oliver runs over to Dylan

"Hey. So uh...What did you need to tell me..?"

"Follow me.."

Oliver grabs Dylan's hand, Oliver's teammate stares at him. Oliver and Dylan go through the school, and to the back


"Dylan. You know boys like girls. Right?"


"So. I like other boys. And..I-I..Kinda..No I..I like you Dylan..." Oliver's face is bright red as he runs inside

"What were you doing? Did you find a girl to make out with???"



"I said I'm not ready yet!!!" Oliver's face is so red someone walking behind him called him a tomato

"Why is your face so red----"

He sees Dylan walk inside 

"Oh. You're Oliver's friend right? I'm Erin. You're...?"

"Dylan. Oliver...I-I feel the same way.."

Oliver looks at Dylan and his eyes are watery, and his face is red

"Oliver? Are you gonna cry?"


Oliver wipes his eyes as he sits down in one of the chairs. Dylan sits behind him

"So...You serious right.."

"Hmm? Yeah. Why would I be lying to you.."

"Because. You're just an extremely nice person who doesn't want anyone to feel bad about anything...You want them to feel---"

Dylan puts his hand on Oliver's shoulder making him turn around, then Dylan puts his lips on Oliver's, closing his eyes. A couple girls in the front stare at them. Oliver stands up his shoes scuffing on the ground, as he runs to the bathroom

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