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Oliver runs to his friend slapping his back. He has a smile on his face.

"Hey Ollie." 

"Sup. Hey wanna hang out today? I have a game, maybe you can watch?"

"I'd love to! When?"

"6:00 am."

He thinks for a second then pouts

"Aw, can't make it?"

"Fooled ya. I can go."

"Jerk." both of them start laughing as a teacher glares at Oliver

"Hello ma'am."

"Don't 'hello ma'am' me. You called him a jerk! Go to the office now!"

"But I didn't mean it!"


Just his teachers spine-chilling roar rang in the hallway

"Oliver, you ok? You were out cold for a minute."

"Don't feel bad for him!! Now go to the office!"

"Don't tell him what to do. He did nothing wrong. He was just joking around. I've known him since he was born!!"

"Don't talk back to me!"

"I can do whatever--!"

"It's ok Dylan. I'm going to the office to complain about the teacher.." Oliver's face is full of rage as strides down the hall toward the office

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