Untitled Part 5

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A couple weeks later Oliver has been getting jealous of people around Dylan



Niki runs into Oliver

"You alright?"

"I'm fine. The real question is...ARE YOU OK!??!"

"I'm fine---"

Dylan comes up behind Oliver wrapping his arms around his waist and putting his chin on Oliver's shoulder 

"Ollie....Wanna go somewhere private?"

Oliver's face turns red

"Ooh-la-la...Getting steamy in here. I suggest not going to the bathroom. Too painful---"

Oliver looks down his face heating up a lot

"Ollie...Are you ok..."

"I'm a little stressed...But----"

Dylan starts kissing Oliver's neck

"Not in public you two!!"
Dylan grabs Oliver's hand and he walks upstairs 

"Dylan...What are you gonna do..."

"Whatever you want to me to do..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )"


"What? I'm just saying."

"Dylan...What do I do..."

"I don't know."

"My family..Isn't very supportive..I may move in with my sister..She'll understand me..She's in the same situation as me."

Sorry I haven't updated the other one's lately. I'll try to update them. It's just I've been really busy lately. My sisters wedding was yesterday, I have a lot of homework, and school is, just school, bothering me. I come home with headaches everyday. This week I was actually planning on relaxing but help planning my sister's wedding, and stuff so yeah! Lemme know how I'm doing on this one. And the next few chapters may be a little um close so if you're an innocent child go away. If you want to be scarred for the rest of your life, it's not my fault ( ̄▼ ̄) just warning you. Also, let me know how this story is. 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸

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