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Sams P.O.V
I feel bad for Deceit. He's so cool, he said he's an asshole but I just don't see it. Anyway I got up and got dressed it was Saturday so I didn't have school but I asked Deceit if he wanted to come to get ice cream with me. He said yes. I walked happily down the road to the ice cream parlour. I went inside and sat down. Hopefully Deceit would arrive soon.

Logans P.O.V
Patton and I were at the ice cream parlour. Yep just the two of us. Kinda of like a date... Nope we're just two bros chilling out and I think he's really hot uh awesome I meant awesome.
(Guess the song)
Anyway we saw the new kid walk in and sit at a table. It looked like he was waiting for  someone. I turned my head to Patton to see him looking at him also.

"Do you think he's waiting for Deceit?"Patton asked

"Most likely"

Our question was answered when Deceit walked in a sat across from him. Okay Patton was right they'd be so cute together. Patton and I continued with our conversation until someone shoved into me. I fell to the ground and grunted.

"Oh my god Logan are you ok?" Patton said helping me up.

"Ya I'm fine who did that... was it Deceit"

"No just some bully"

We looked over at him to see him making his was towards Deceit. When he reached his table Deceit looked up at him and shivered.

"Omg Deceit I didn't know you had a boyfriend"

I saw Sam and Deceit blush.

"He's not my boyfriend dickhead"

"Wow no need to be rude"

I looked at the bully up and down I felt like I've seen him somewhere before.

"Can you just leave us alone"

"No can do"

And with that he punched Deceit straight in the face. Deceit fell of his chair and whimpered. The new kid screamed. Many people around them gasped or screamed also. I looked at Patton he looked so shocked. The beating was still going on. I couldn't take anymore of it. I was about to walk up to the bully when Patton grabbed my arm.

"We have to stop this" he said.

"You read my mind" I responded.

We both walked up to the attacker I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around. I gasped and took a step back.

"T-Tom" I said

"Logan" he responded with a smile "haven't seen you in awhile"

"YOU DICK" I screamed and punched him in the nose. "Why aren't you in jail where you belong"

He shrugged "I got off early for good behaviour"

"L-Logan who is this" I heard Patton whisper. Tom turned his head towards him.

"Seriously Logan moved on so quick"

"W-what" said Patton.

"Gasp you're not his boyfriend you look like you are"

"Tom get the fuck out of here" I said

"Oh you got some nerve Logan but I will I'm done here anyway"

I watched as he turned around and walked out of the store. I then turned my attention to Deceit he was still on the ground shivering and his friend was trying to comfort him. I slowly walked up to him and crouched down beside him.

"Deceit it's okay he's gone"

With those words Deceit slowly sat up. He looked around then looked at his friend and flung himself into his arms. He looked startled at first but soon embraced Deceit and hugged back.
He helped Deceit get to his feet and Patton told everyone to go back to the ice cream. The new kid and Deceit sat back at there table. Patton and I were about to leave them alone when we heard Deceit call us back. We pulled up chairs and sat with them.

"Thank you guys so much" said Deceit "I was a dick to you and you still helped me"

"No problem" said Patton as he smiled at Deceit "everyone deserves a second chance"

"Listen I am really sorry about you know everything"

"It's fine forget about it"


"So what's your name" I said turning to the new kid.

"Oh my names Sam Logan and Patton right?"



"Hey on Monday maybe you could sit with us at lunch"

"Really?" Said Deceit "I don't think your other friends would want my sitting with them"

"Well I'm sure they won't mind and if they do we won't sit with them just the four of us" I responded.

"Ya" said Patton smiling "we're all in this together"

"Thank you" said Sam.

"Hey Logan" I turned to Deceit when he said my name.

"How did you know that guy that beat me up"

"Oh um.... he used to go to my old school he went to jail for.. reasons" I said clearly uncomfortable.

"Oh ok"

"Did he know you?"

"We've met before" he said rolling his eyes.


All four of us continued to talk for another 2 hours until we had to go home. I got home and flopped on
my bed.

"Hi Mom hi Dad"

Ya there back from being away.

"Logan" I heard my mum say in a scared voice. "Please come downstairs"

I got up and walked down the stairs.

"What's wrong Mom"

She slowly pointed towards on the Tv. I looked at it and the headline was
Tom Frea has escaped from prison
I froze. He escaped he wasn't let off.

"Honey are you ok" I herd my moms voice say.

"I'm fine" I said as I backed out of the room and ran up to my bed. I curled up in my bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't Tom was going to try to get me or worse someone I love.

For Toms last name I just used random letters idk I couldn't think of a last name.
Thanks for reading
It means a lot

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