Chapter 8: Lance

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My ears still rang from the rupturing noise of the school's fire alarm even as I was outside. Nyma refused to let go of my arm as she melodramatically went off about how her life had been threatened, "Do they really expect me to walk in an ordered line and not run towards the door? The school board must be brain dead. Lancey, everyone is saying it wasn't a drill!"

I moved her arm in an attempt to remove her off of me. I was clever enough to take her hand in exchange to prevent backlash. I gently had my fingers circle around Nyma's knuckles, "You are fine now. Just breathe, okay?"

She broke away from me and stormed off piping angrily like water in a tea kettle on a stove. Rolo watched and laughed in amusement, "You really did it this time, lover boy. She is damned pissed," he rubbed his dry, red eyes.

I scoffed in a playful manner to not betray anyone's friendship, "Why do girls have to be so difficult? Sometimes I think it would be easier to date a..." I spoke without thinking. My thoughts took over my mouth. I had to shut everything down if I didn't want to screwup all that I had worked for.

Some words were best kept to yourself. Words had a ghastliness to them. They could be tweaked and modified or worse, words could be used against you. I was in color guard, I lived off of financial aid, and I was finding myself increasingly more uncomfortable in my own skin. These words could never be mentioned. Not ever. They were forbidden. Only in my mind would they be able to roam freely.

"Date a... sloth? Dude, I've been thinking the same thing," He more so laughed at his shadow than at me. His stupidity stole away the attention that had been put on my unfinished statement; it was a thing to be gracious for. Luxia and I stood both in common understanding of Rolo's state.

"How did he get so high after five minutes in the bathroom? Do you think that he might have set off the fire alarm?" Luxia proposed with a contorted face that wholeheartedly expressed concern.

I shrugged in unknowingness, "I have no idea. He would be better off ditching class than going back though." She nodded in agreement.

Our teachers began to direct us inside as drizzles from the dark sky began to hit the dark pavement of the road and the green grass that somehow had managed to stay hydrated. Nyma had left the picture and was making her way into the building alone and still displeased. I looked up at the stuffy sky praying for the rain to stop. It was compulsory for me to buy some more time.

It was up to merely Luxia and I to prevent Rolo from walking down the pathway of expulsion. No junior's number one priority should be keeping their friend from getting in trouble for being stoned. We all left our innocence at the front door freshman year. It was truly a pitiful thing.

I laughed at how incredulous the situation was, "Guess we are gonna have to ditch class with him. Where's your car parked?"

She gave me a puzzled look, "Don't tell me you are being serious," She took her hands off her hips to crisscross them. She had acquired a powerful, demeaning stature.

"Look, we don't have much of a choice," I began in a very serious tone, "The worst thing that could happen is we get caught and calls get sent out. Sure I don't want to take that risk, but I don't want Rolo getting suspended. You need to take one for the team sometimes."

Her silence was nerve inducing. She took in a deep breathe in an attempt to choke on oxygen, "Not in my car- absolutely not. You can take him. I'm not going with you. I have an education that needs tending to."

"You aren't going to help me?" I spat angrily. Friendship was a legal contract stating, 'help and be there for one another'. What Luxia had emphatically stated was going against that unwritten rule.

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