•Pickens Head and PennyPeabody•

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Aviana and the two Jones boys sat in their trailer eating breakfast.
Their dad sat on a chair and the twins leaning against walls

There was a knock at the door, it was  Sheriff Keller asking if the Serpents had the head for the 4th time
"Sheriff Keller, what a surprise," Exclaimed Jughead.
"Jughead, Aviana, Fp,".
"Sorry to bother you but it's uh,"
"We do not have General Pickens head and we do not know who stole it!" Aviana said rolling her eyes.
"Same as the last four times you asked us and our neighbors," said FP clearly aggravated.
"Ya know Sheriff,these visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment.
There's absolutely no evidence or proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects." Said Jughead
"Well you did write, your sister too a rather scathing article about General Pickens legacy, which prompted
The Southside serpents to stop by Pickens day with an ax to grind,"
"We are actually writing a new article about how you seem to care more about a vandal than the black hood."
"Can we get a quote?," sarcastically smiled Aviana.
Her father and brother chuckled at her comment.

The Twins and the rest of their Northside friends sat in lounge listening to Veronica.

"I invited Archie but I want you guys to be there as well.Usually these kinds of events, baptism, confirmations are family only.But since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family, I pulled some strings and reserved you a pew," smiled Veronica.
"What is the dress code?" Asked Kevin
"Catholic Chic.So dresses for the girls,veils are optional and coats and ties for the boys."

The intercom came on and they heard Weatherbees Boeing voice come through,
"Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principals office,"

Aviana laughed at her brother, "this ain't my problem,"

Aviana managed to talk to Veronica at school.
"Hey V,"
"Hey Av, I know we haven't spoken since Pickens Day and I'm so sorry I got you involved I had no idea about the serpents!,"
"Vee, it's fine honestly I had no idea but I'm still really angry at my friends they just shouted at me like a child , I've not fully forgiven them yet,"
"If you ever need someone to talk to Av I'm here, I suppose we both have complicated family's," She laughed
"Thank you Vee, I've got to go but I'll text you later yeah?"
"Yes, ttyl," the girls hugged and parted ways.

Before Aviana knew it she was pulled into a class room by the serpents , Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"You haven't fully forgiven us?" Questioned Toni
"Yes I haven't! You all accused me of going behind the serpents backs when I know the laws I know what it's like to be apart of a family even if it's not whole,"
"But telling Veronica?" Said Sweet Pea
"She my friend Pea!"
"We said we're sorry Av,what else do you want us to do?,"
"Work it out! For now leave me alone so I can calm down.My life's crazy, with my brother , my dad just let me refresh please," Aviana looked pleadingly at her friends.
They nodded and walked away leaving their friend in the destroyed classroom.

"Evictions?? What the fuck?," Shouted Aviana.
"Look Av, Dads about to make a speech he might have ideas on what we can do," suggested Jughead

The Twins made their way over to the stage, standing beside their friends who as of yet Aviana was still not talking to them.
"We all got the eviction notices but I swear to you no one is going anywhere.The heat has been on us since Pickens Day-and they are using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up.But if we are
Gonna fix this I've gotta ask is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off general Pickens head?," FP Shouted
"Why don't you ask your kids,what they  have to say?," Spoke Tall Boy making his way through the crowd.
"What is your problem with us Tall Boy?" Spoke Jughead angrily
"You wrote that article that started all of this mess, you and your pose fired the opening shots on Pickens day,"
"It was a peaceful protest," said Toni
"That accomplished nothing.Whats to say you didn't go back with a ladder and hacksaw?,"
"Hey! They didn't do it.Hell Tall Boy your the tallest guy in this room.You wouldn't even need a ladder," said Aviana rushing up to Tall Boy and grabbing his collar.
"Aviana,Jughead, Tall Boy the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other!," Shouted FP "We will find a way of this."

The Twins walked into the Wrym and were greeted by a nasty surprise.
Jughead and Aviana Jones.Did you really think you'd seen the last of me boy?"
Aviana held her brothers arm as he spoke, "What's the snake charmer doing here, Dad?"
"No,I brought her in to help us," said Tall Boy
"We don't need Penny's kind of help," Spoke Aviana.
"You don't get a day anymore Twinnies, Penny was about to show your dad, show em Penny,"

Penny pulled down her sleeve and revealed a large red mark where her tattoo was.
"That used to be my serpent Tattoo, until your son sliced my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale," their father rubbed his face in disbelief
"But since I'm still willing to help the serpents,Tall boy showed me them eviction notices and they're legit.But luckily I can think of at least 41 way to stall the process,"

Aviana got a text from her phone, it was her friends , they were here to pick her up for their trip.She looked around the room nudging her brother and nodding to her dad as she left.

Aviana was on the car laughing with her friends she let Veronica know she couldn't come to her confirmation and she received a text message from Jughead filling her in.

Hey guys I missed the ending out from 2x12 because I wanted to move on from it but anyways hope you enjoy💛

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