waterpark/ Karmagisa & Killugon

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"Karma hurry up or we're gonna be late!"Nagisa yelled excited that he will get to see his best friend since pre-school again.

 "I'm coming just give me 2 seconds!" Karma yelled at his husband from upstairs.

 "Don't forget the towels and sunscreen! Oh, and I have Akuma so we don't have to worry about forgetting her." Karma goes downstairs and Nagisa drags him and Akuma to the car. 

"Are we there yet?" Karma and Akuma ask while playing poker, with straight faces, in the backseat.

"NO! So stop asking please and thank you." Nagisa said with a small irk mark forming from the fifty times they've asked that.

"Ha, I beat you! Hand it over sucker." Akuma said to Karma after beating him in a match of poker.

"Fine, take them," Karma said and handed her five lolipops, all of them cherry red like his hair.

"Thank you, papa," she said and jumped on his lap, shortly after she fell asleep.

"I know you let her win Karma," Nagisa said while chuckling.

"No, I did not, she won fair and square! Karma said turning away and blushing.

"Sure, anyways I thought it was cute," Nagisa said while looking in the mirror of the car. (A/N: I'm sorry if you don't know what I'm talking about because that was a terrible description.) 


"We're here!" Nagisa said while looking back at an asleep demon and devil.

"I SAID WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!" Nagisa yelled at the backseat of the car, it must have worked because Karma and Akuma were up in a flash.

"Yay, we're here Akuma said while running out the car with her floaty.

"Slow down sweetheart we have to find someone first," Nagisa said while bringing out the rest of the pool things.

"Ok, but who are we looking for?" Akuma said while making her hands like binoculars.

"We are looking for a---"

"Hey, Nagisa!" Gon yelled to him from across the parking lot.

"Hey, Gon is Rai with you!" Nagisa yelled back hoping that Gon brought his five-year-old daughter Raiton.

"Yep and I brought Killua too." Gon said while pointing to Killua who was walking up to them carrying Rai. Akuma hid behind Karmas leg because she isn't used to new people like her fathers are. Rai, seeing that she is hiding, hid behind her father thinking that it was a game that they were 'playing'.

"Akuma this is Raiton, Raiton this is Akuma." Nagisa introduced Akuma and Rai to each other.

"Hi, can we be friends?" Raiton said to Akuma while holding out her hand so that Akuma could shake it.

"Sure I would love that!" Akuma said with an angelic smile. 


Yami is back my peeps with a short crossover. Speaking of the crossover, would you like me to continue it yes or no, leave it in the comments. BYE!!!!

                                                          Yami Hyuga~ 

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