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~Samantha's POV

The original and I were walking down a street heading to who knows where. "Elijah right?" I asked forgetting his name. "Yes. I never got your name," he told me, "Samantha Gilbert but, call me Sam. Oh! And can I call you Eli?" I asked with a smile not giving a crap that he was this so-called original. I heard him chuckle, "Please don't," he said, making me pout. 

After while of silence Elijah walked up to a large house. "Woah!" I said walking toward the house that I assumed what his. I walked inside after him, not having to be invited in. That's one of the ways I differed from other vampires. I never had to be invited in, I also could walk in the sun. And my favorite, vervain doesn't affect me. 

"What exactly is the plan here?" I asked examining the whole place. I was then forcibly pushed against the wall at an extremely fast rate. "Why aren't you afraid of me? You know I could kill you right?" Elijah asked showing me his fangs. "Actually I don't think you could," I said giving him a cocky smile. "You wanna try?" I asked looking into his brown eyes that held amusement. 

He then let go of me but continued to watch me with his eyes. "Your heart rate never increased. You're either the bravest or dumbest human I've ever met," He said which made me chuckle. I then walked toward his kitchen specifically the fridge. "Actually I'm neither a brave or a dumb human," I said opening his fridge and pulling out a blood bag. 

I then chugged the whole thing and looked over to the surprised original which just stared at me with widened eyes. "You're a vampire?" He asked as if it were impossible. "The ritual won't be able to work now," he said pacing the room. At this moment I assumed that Elena was also a Doppelgänger but, I would never tell him about her. I knew that whatever I was going to be used for wouldn't be fun and I would never put Elena through that. 

"Why do you smell human?" he asked me pinning me on the wall again. "You really like pinning me to the wall don't you?" I asked him with a smirk. "It might be due to the fact that I never actually was turned into one," I said my eyes never losing his. "So you are human," he concluded, I then showed him say fangs and my one vampire looking eye. 

His eyes then widened, and he let go of my wrists his hand reached up to my face and cupped my right cheek with it. His hand was surprisingly warm and not to mention big. I stared into his eyes as his thumb caressed the blue veins beneath my eye. I then hid my vampire-like features feeling quite awkward in this sorta situation. He then realized what he was doing and let go of my face and backed away from me. 

"I apologize about that I was just so intrigued about your eye because I've never seen something like that before," he said shoving his hands into his suit pockets. I didn't respond to his apology I honestly didn't know what to say. "You can leave if you'd like I have no more reasons for you to be here," he said looking at the floor. 

I looked at him curiously before heading to his front door. "Hey, Elijah?" I called his name getting his attention. "Living in a huge house by yourself seems lonely makes me want to come by sometime," I said with a smile. "You are welcome here anytime," he said with a charming smile. "See you later then," I said before leaving his house. 

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