I'm Not Drunk!

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~Samantha's POV

I sat at the bar in The Mystic Grill drowning myself in bourbon as the memories from a few hours ago kept replaying in my mind. The memories of my best friend over exerting herself in hopes of killing Klaus but, killing herself instead replayed in my mind. And then my sister grieving over her to the point where she passed out due to the whole event. I let out a sigh and threw some more of my drink down my throat. 

"What's troubling you? Love?" I heard a calm British accent call from my left. I look to said voice to see a tall muscular man who held dark blue eyes and short light brown hair that curled at the ends. "Why'd you like to know?" I spat out glaring at the stranger. "Seems someone had a bit too much to drink," The man said amused at my state. He watched me with his eyes as he pursed his lips outward into a smile. 

"What are you smiling about?" I asked slamming my drink down on the counter so hard that some spilled onto my hand. He didn't respond but, watched me suck the drink from my hand. "Stop staring at me and mind your business. Out of all the seats here you had to choose the one next to me? Geez," I said turning to him and slamming my fist on the counter. 

"Seems you're an angry drunk," he said continuing to be amused by me. "Am not!" I said leaning forward for emphasis but, instead ended up losing my balance and I fell right into the man's chest. He placed his hands firmly on my hips making sure that I didn't fall any further than I already did. After a second of being in his grasp, I began to squirm to get free, "Let me go!" I shouted pushing against his chest. 

"If I do how will I know that you're not going to fall again?" he asked making me look up at him and glare at his amused expression. "I have a boyfriend you know!" I shouted making up a random lie. "Oh really? What's his name then?" He asked not believing me for a second. "His name is..." I looked up to the left think of a name, "Elijah," I said looking back him confidently. 

"Elijah huh?" He said knowing that I was lying due to the time it took me to think of a name. "And what's this Elijah look like?" He asked with a smile. "He has dark brown hair, brown eyes, he's always wearing a suit and he's way more handsome then you!" I said with a devious smile of my own. The man paused in thought as if he knew who I was describing, "And what's your boyfriend's full name?" he asked slowing down when he said the word boyfriend. 

"Elijah Mikealson," I said without a second thought. "Really?" The man asked his smile deepening as he heard me speak. "Wha? Do you know him or something?" I asked trying to be intimidating. "You could say we're close," he spoke hiding some of the truth. "See~, my boyfriend's real! Now let me go," I said grabbing his wrists and tugging on them but the strength of my drunken self couldn't make them budge. 

Even though I knew he wouldn't let up I wouldn't dare stop trying to get his hands off me while he watched me amusedly. I used up practically all my energy trying to get away from the man that wouldn't let go of me. I then paused exhausted and stood still looking at the floor as my grip on the man's wrists loosened. "Let go of me before..." I spoke quietly practically whispering before I blacked out and fell back into his chest. 

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