Cherry Wine (Part Three)

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The next morning, Toni wakes up slightly disoriented in Cheryl's arms. She looks around the hospital room and remembers the events of the night before. She hopes Cheryl meant it, but she would never blame her if she didn't.

Toni sits up, raking fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame what is, no doubt, a hot mess.

Cheryl grumbles softly and Toni doesn't consider herself to be dramatic but it is, without a doubt, one of the cutest sounds that has ever grazed this planet.

"Good morning, Blossom." Toni says, moving to get off the bed before the nurses make their morning rounds and yell at her.

"What are you doing?" Cheryl asks, tugging at Toni's sleeve, "Stay."

Toni smiles at Cheryl and says, "I'm gonna get in trouble," but no longer makes any attempt to move.

Cheryl wraps her arms around Toni's midsection, nuzzling her face into Toni's neck, "Worth it."

"True." Toni says, "Listen, about last night. I understand it's a trying time, so if you want to take a -"

"Stop." Cheryl says, leaning over to peck Toni softly on the lips, "I don't want to step back. I'm all in. And not just because you helped me get away from Nick. I... I like you, Toni. I have for a while now. Ever since you took me to your trailer I couldn't get your pink hair out of my head. And yeah, it's not going to be easy, working through everything Nick did. But I'd like you to be by my side... if you still want that?"

Toni nods vigorously, "Yeah. Yeah, I'd love that."

"Good." Cheryl says, smiling gratefully. The bruises are still very present, but she seems better already. Happier. "Also, I've been thinking and..."

"Yeah?" Toni plays with Cheryl's hair, running her fingers through the long locks.

"I want to call Veronica. I - I want to reach out and see what she thinks."

Toni smiles softly, "That's great, Cheryl!"

"I have her number memorized still, as long as she didn't change it. But... I'd like you to be here, if that's okay. Just in case."

Toni gives Cheryl's hand a soft squeeze, "Of course, Cheryl, always."


It doesn't take much for Veronica to come bustling into the hospital. A quick mention of "It's Cheryl" and "I'm in the hospital, can I see you?" is enough to make the girl rush to see her old friend. When Toni opens the door to Cheryl's room, she is unsurprised to see that Cheryl's best friend is a picture of sophistication if Toni's ever seen one.

She's way overdressed for this, topped off by a string of pearls strung around her neck. Toni greets her with a cautious, "Hi, you must be Veronica. Come on in."

Veronica takes two steps into the room before being rooted to her place.

Shock takes over her features as her eyes rake over Cheryl. Toni has grown used to Cheryl's bruised and battered form, so Veronica's reaction is a reminder of how much the redhead has really been through.

"Hi, Ronnie." Cheryl says, voice trembling. Toni fights the urge to sit down next to her and hold her hand. As much as she wants to comfort Cheryl, she knows this isn't her moment to intrude on.

"Cheryl, ay dios mio." Veronica is at the redhead's bedside in seconds, quickly taking Cheryl's hand into her own, "What happened?"

"I -" Cheryl looks over at Toni, who gives her a single nod. "Nick."

Veronica's face immediately falls, "What?"

"I - he was angry." Cheryl says, searching for the right words to explain just what exactly happened between her and Nick.

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