Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long amount of time from not updating i have gotten better and also with the huge process of moving (now have serious back pain) also school i almost forgot about the story either way here is chapter 10! I hope you enjoy my little kittens~

Your Pov
You wake up to seven snuggling next to you his hands intertwine with yours and his legs tangled in yours you carefully unwrap yourself from him and walk to the kitchen your stomach growling you look at your phone noticing millions of missed calls from jaehee you walk into the bathroom and lock the door then you call her

Call Pov

Jaehee: y/n!!!!!!!!! Why havent you call me? Are you alright? Where are you? Are you ok? What h-

*you cut her off*

Y/N: one im fine two im with seven and three sevens house

Jaehee: thank god!!! Wait why are you at sevens what happened to you the other night

Y/N: umm....well shit i have to go ill tell you later bye

Jaehee: riu wai-

*phone call ends*

Y/N Pov
You hide your phone and walk out of the bathroom you look at seven still on the couch a sigh of relief you walk into the kitchen at this point your starving you open the fridge and look inside not noticing seven was off the couch he slowly makes his way towards you and grabs you due to you being a secret agent you throw him infront of you and pin him to the fridge "oh oh oh so now you want to make the moves now y/n" seven smirks "tsk ugh i swear i" you push him aside and bend down looking farther into the fridge "awww... hmm...what are you doing love~" seven looks at you "im going to live in the fridge.... what else dumbass" you say slittly annoyed "so rude y/n!!!" He lets out a loud sigh "what are you making anyway?" Seven looks over your shoulder as you cook "im making omo-rice" you say as you cook  his eyes sparkle "yay i get to try y/n food" he licks his lips you let out a sigh as you finish making the omo-rice and set a plate down in front of him you sit down and eat your food a small smile forms on your lips as you eat a blush forms on your cheeks as child hood memories form

Hope you enjoyed again sorry for theate update thank you so much for reading my story i love you all AND ALSO A BIG THANKS FOR 760 VIEWS!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU see you later my kittens~♡

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